Define Wizard Behavior

This page describes some ways to add specific functionality to a wizard.


Define Next Button Behavior

To customize a wizard in the required manner, an instance of the wizard dialog can override methods and call public functions in its base class. In the API documentation of cWizardDialogBox you can read more about all the methods used to customize a wizard.

A typical customization used in many wizards is to check whether the Next operation should be enabled, and to execute some functionality when leaving a wizard step  by clicking the Next button. To do these customizations the wizard should override the virtual method vrtWizardNext.

public override SalBoolean vrtWizardNext(SalNumber nWhat, SalString sStep)
    return this.WizardNext(nWhat, sStep);

Figure 1. Override method vrtWizardNext from cWizardDialog. This method should call a specific WizardNext implemented in your wizard.

A good pattern to follow is to implement the customization logic in a new WizardNext method, rather than in the overriden method vrtWizardNext. This is also how the code in a ported wizard is constructed. The method takes the parameters nWhat and sStep. The nWhat parameter takes the value METHOD_Inquire or METHOD_Execute. When nWhat equals METHOD_Inquire the wizard should return true if the Next operation should be available and false otherwise.

public new SalBoolean WizardNext(SalNumber nWhat, SalString sStep)
    #region Local Variables
    SalBoolean sAbort = false;

    #region Actions
    using (new SalContext(this))
        if (nWhat == Ifs.Fnd.ApplicationForms.Const.METHOD_Inquire)
            if (sStep == "StepOne")
                return m_nCurrentPage + 1 < m_nTotalPages;
            else if (sStep == "StepTwo")
                if (dfsSourceCompanyId.Text == Ifs.Fnd.ApplicationForms.Const.strNULL)
                    return false;
                return m_nCurrentPage + 1 < m_nTotalPages;

Figure 2. Sample of an implementation of the WizardNext method. The parameter nWhat is validated. When the value is METHOD_Inquire, perform logic and return true to enable the Next operation or false to disable it. The name of the next wizard step is available in the sStep parameter.

In the method WizardNext, when the nWhat parameter equals METHOD_Execute, you execute logic required before you leave the current wizard step. The sStep parameter contains the name of the step that will be activated after this function returns.

if (nWhat == Ifs.Fnd.ApplicationForms.Const.METHOD_Execute)
    if (sStep == "StepTwo") 
        if (AllFieldsValidate(sStep)) 
            return true;
    else if (sStep == "StepThree") 
        if (AllFieldsValidate(sStep)) 
            return true;
    return false;

Figure 3. When nWhat equals METHOD_Execute the wizard should return true if the Next operation was successfully performed and false otherwise.   

Define List Button behavior

The List button in the wizard is used to show a List of Values dialog. By default the List button is enabled when an editable data item in the wizard with a LOV reference gets the input focus, and the Show List property on the wizard is set to true. Clicking the List button will open up the List of Value dialog for the focused data item.

It is possible to override the default behavior of the List button by overriding the virtual method vrtWizardList. This method is called by the framework. The method takes the nWhat in parameter that can have the values Const.METHOD_Inquire or Const.METHOD_Execute. When nWhat is Const.METHOD_Inquire return true if the List button should be available and false otherwise. When nWhat is Const.METHOD_Execute the framework opens the List of Value dialog. When overriding it is possible to make all required changes before and after the LOV dialog is shown. To show the LOV dialog send the message Const.PM_DataItemLov to the focused field in the wizard.

Define Finish Button behavior

To override the framework functionality for the Finish button the vrtWizardFinish method should be overridden. This method takes two parameters. The first is nWhat that can have the values Const.METHOD_Inquire or Const.METHOD_Execute. The second parameter is sStep which contains the name of the currently active wizard step. When nWhat is Const.METHOD_Inquire return true if the Finish button should be available and false otherwise. When nWhat is Const.METHOD_Execute you add the extra functionality to be executed when the user chooses Finish. A good pattern to follow is to implement the customization logic in a new WizardFinish method, rather than in the overridden method vrtWizardFinish . See example below.

public override SalBoolean vrtWizardFinish(SalNumber nWhat, SalString sStep) 
    return this.WizardFinish(nWhat, sStep); 

Figure 4. Override method vrtWizardFinish and call a new WizardNext method implemented in your wizard.

public new SalBoolean WizardFinish(SalNumber nWhat, SalString sStep) 
    #region Actions
    using (new SalContext(this))
        if (nWhat == Ifs.Fnd.ApplicationForms.Const.METHOD_Inquire) 
            return WizardIsLastStep();
        if (nWhat == Ifs.Fnd.ApplicationForms.Const.METHOD_Execute) 
            if (Sal.IsNull(dfsFileNameFinish)) 
                Ifs.Fnd.ApplicationForms.Properties.Resources.CAPTION_Error, Ifs.Fnd.ApplicationForms.Const.CRITICAL_Ok);
                return false;
            if (!(ReadAndWriteFile())) 
                Ifs.Fnd.ApplicationForms.Properties.Resources.CAPTION_Error, Ifs.Fnd.ApplicationForms.Const.CRITICAL_Ok);
                return false;
            return Sal.EndDialog(this, 0);
    return false;

Figure 5. In this example the Finish button is enabled if it is the last wizard step. When the Finish button is pressed some logic to read and write a file is executed.

To change the behavior of a wizard there are a lot more methods to override than are described above. Please see the API documentation of the cWizardDialog for more details.