Persisting State

If a form has a state that has to be persisted on the URL, it can be done by defining a set of parameters that will be copied to/from the URL. In order to do so you have to create a string property for each of those parameters and write a getter and a setter for those. The property must be decorated with [FndPageUrlParameter]. The name of the property will be the name of the URL parameter on which that property will be persisted.

public string FromDate
	get { return dfdtFromDate.Text; }
		dfdtFromDate.Text = value;
		this.bDateChange = true;

Example of a page URL parameter

The getter will be automatically called by the framework when current URL is needed. In the example above the URL will get an additional parameter FROMDATE that will be set to the value of the dfdtFromDate field. The setter will be called by the framework during navigation in order to copy the value from the URL to form. In the example above the value of the URL parameter FROMDATE would be copied to the dfdtFromDate field when navigating.

When changing something on the form that affects the added parameters, the URL in the address bar should be updated by calling RefreshUrl().