
Note: This page includes content based on the F1 documentation for Centura development. It may be partially converted to support APF development, but should be regarded to be of uncertain actuality. It is provided as is. Eventually, it should be replaced by documentation available from within Visual Studio.

SalBoolean DataSourceFormatSqlRecordList(SalWindowHandle hWndRecSelCombo,
ref SalString lsStmt)

The DataSourceFormatSqlRecordList formats the select statement to populate record selection combo boxes.


Name Description
SalWindowHandle  hWndRecSelCombo The window handle of the record selection combo box to populate.
ref SalString lsStmt The complete select statement to populate the record selection combo box.


The return value is true if hWndRecSelCombo returns a column and bind variables list, false otherwise.


The select statement follows the template "select <columns and bind variables> from <views> where <default where> and <parent where> and <user where> and <data transfer where> order by <default or user order by>".

<columns and bind variables> - the columns and bind variables to use. This information is retrieved from the record selection combo specified by hWndRecSelCombo.

<views> - the view(s) specified in Foundation1 properties.

<default where> - the where expression specified in Foundation1 properties

<parent where> - the where expression generated by the framework for detail data sources as a result of master-detail relationships between the data sources.

<user where> - extra where expression set by method DataSourceUserWhere (e.g. by using the query dialog).

<data transfer where> - extra where expression set from the contents of the DataTransfer object, typically by calling method InitFromTransferedData.

<default or user order by> - If an order by expression has been set by function DataSourceUserOrderBy (e.g. by using the query dialog), that order by statement is used. Otherwise the order by statement set in Foundation1 properties is used.