
Note: This page includes content based on the F1 documentation for Centura development. It may be partially converted to support APF development, but should be regarded to be of uncertain actuality. It is provided as is. Eventually, it should be replaced by documentation available from within Visual Studio.

SalNumber MethodInquire( SalNumber nMethod, SalNumber nParameter )

 The MethodInquire method is called by a commander to check if the method is enabled in the performer.


Name Description
SalNumber nMethod Public message specifying a method id. For application-specific method, Const.PM_UserMethod should be used.
SalNumber nParameter Extra parameter for the method.


The return value is the method performers response.


add C# coding Sample

Combo Box: cmbCommands
On SAM_Click
   ! Execute the selected command
   If MethodInquire( PM_UserMethod, SalHStringToNumber( cmbCommands ) )
      Call MethodExecute( PM_UserMethod, SalHStringToNumber( cmbCommands ) )
C# code
if (MethodInquire(Const.PM_DataSourcePopulate, 0)) 
	nIndex = Sal.ListQuerySelection(i_hWndSelf);
	if (nIndex == Sys.LB_Err) 
		return false;
	lsWhere = i_sObjid + " = :" + _BindVariableScopeSet(DataItemBindScopeAdd("__sRecordObjid["))
+ Vis.ListGetValue(i_hWndSelf, Sal.ListQuerySelection(i_hWndSelf)).ToString(0) + "]"; MethodExecute(Const.PM_DataSourceUserWhere, lsWhere.ToHandle()); .............