
Note: This page includes content based on the F1 documentation for Centura development. It may be partially converted to support APF development, but should be regarded to be of uncertain actuality. It is provided as is. Eventually, it should be replaced by documentation available from within Visual Studio.

SalNumber MethodStateChanged( SalNumber nChildTypes )

The MethodStateChanged method is called by a performer to indicate to all its commanders that they must check their visible state.


Name Description
SalNumber nChildTypes Types of methods whose state may have changed. Specify on or more of the Const.CHILDTYPE_* Method constants.


This method does not return a value.


Typically, the framework will call MethodStateChanged whenever needed. However, if application specific code causes the state of any methods to change, the application is responsible for calling MethodStateChanged to update all commanders.

Calling MethodStateChanged in a performer will cause the MethodStateInvestigate function to be executed in all connected commanders.