
Note: This page includes content based on the F1 documentation for Centura development. It may be partially converted to support APF development, but should be regarded to be of uncertain actuality. It is provided as is. Eventually, it should be replaced by documentation available from within Visual Studio.

SalNumber ParameterDecode ( cMessage Mandatory,
		  cMessage NonMandatory )

The ParameterDecode method is called by the framework whenever it needs to initialize the current sheet with values from the parameters. The mandatory and non mandatory parameter list is separately sent to the method in order to be decoded.


Name Description
cMessage Mandatory List of all mandatory parameters that must contain a value when the sheet is validated.
cMessage NonMandatory The list of all non mandatory parameters and their values (if any).


This method does not return a value.


This method is normally called when activating (entering) the wizard step.