
Note: This page includes content based on the F1 documentation for Centura development. It may be partially converted to support APF development, but should be regarded to be of uncertain actuality. It is provided as is. Eventually, it should be replaced by documentation available from within Visual Studio.

SalNumber ParameterGetTaskMode ( )

The ParameterGetTaskMode method is used to indicate what mode the task parameter sheet is being run in. Either it's being used in the scheduling wizard ( e.g. by Navigator.ScheduledTaskLoad ) or run directly online ( e.g. by Navigator.TaskLoad ).


This method return Const.TASKMODE_Scheduled if the Task Parameter Sheet is started in the scheduling wizard and Const.TASKMODE_Online if it's started from the online execution dialog.


add new C# coding sample.

Function: OnCreate
      If ParameterGetTaskMode( ) = TASKMODE_Scheduled
         Call SalHideWindow( dfsStartingDay )
         Call SalShowWindow( dfnDays )
         Call SalShowWindow( dfsStartingDay )
         Call SalHideWindow( dfnDays )
public new SalBoolean ParameterEncode(cMessage Mandatory, cMessage NonMandatory)
	#region Local Variables
	SalString sTmp = "";
	#region Actions
	using (new SalContext(this))
		Mandatory.AddAttribute("PROJECT_ID", dfsProjectId.Text);
		if (ParameterGetTaskMode() == Ifs.Fnd.ApplicationForms.Const.TASKMODE_Scheduled) 
			if (sLogExecutedAuto == SalString.Null) 
				DbImmediate("SELECT &AO.Project_Log_Executed_API.Get_Client_Value(1)
INTO :i_hWndFrame.dlgPSheetProjectHistoryAutoLog.sLogExecutedAuto FROM dual"); } Mandatory.AddAttribute("LOG_EXECUTED", sLogExecutedAuto); } else { if (sLogExecutedManual == SalString.Null) { DbImmediate("SELECT &AO.Project_Log_Executed_API.Get_Client_Value(0)
INTO :i_hWndFrame.dlgPSheetProjectHistoryAutoLog.sLogExecutedManual FROM dual"); } Mandatory.AddAttribute("LOG_EXECUTED", sLogExecutedManual); } NonMandatory.AddAttribute("USER_COMMENT", mlsComments.Text); return true; } #endregion }
if (...........)
{ Sal.HideWindow(i_hWndSelf); } else { Sal.ShowWindow(i_hWndSelf); }