
Note: This page includes content based on the F1 documentation for Centura development. It may be partially converted to support APF development, but should be regarded to be of uncertain actuality. It is provided as is. Eventually, it should be replaced by documentation available from within Visual Studio.

SalBoolean WizardPagesGet(SalString sParentObject,
SalArray<SalString> sStep,
SalArray<SalString> sWindow,
SalArray<SalString> sResource,
SalArray<SalString> sTitle)

The WizardPagesGet retrieves information about all windows that are to be dynamically added to a parent object.


Name Description
SalString sParentObject The wizard dialog box which the form is to be added
SalArray<SalString> sStep List of  the step names that should be added to the wizard ( This is generated by the component class )
SalArray<SalString> sWindow List of  the window names that should be added to the wizard
SalArray<SalString> sResource The resource name to display as the picture with the wizard If no picture is needed should be null.
SalArray<SalString> sTitle Title that shall be used for the extra wizard step added. Should be a translatable constant.


The return value is TRUE if any dynamic wizard steps  where found for the parent object, FALSE otherwise.


The Framework classes cWizardDialogBox use this method to when adding dynamic wizard steps.