
Note: This page includes content based on the F1 documentation for Centura development. It may be partially converted to support APF development, but should be regarded to be of uncertain actuality. It is provided as is. Eventually, it should be replaced by documentation available from within Visual Studio.

SalBoolean ScheduledReportModify (SalNumber nScheduleId,
		               SalString lsReportAttr,
		               SalString lsParameterAttr,
		               SalString lsScheduleAttr,
		               SalString lsMessageAttr,
		               SalString lsPdfArchivingAttr,
		               SalString lsDistributionList )

ScheduledReportModify method Modfies a Scheduled Report.


Name Description
SalNumber nScheduleId Id for the Scheduled Report to modify.
SalString lsReportAttr Report specific attributes
SalString lsParameterAttr Parameters passed to the report
SalString lsScheduleAttr Attributes for scheduling
SalString lsMessageAttr Attributes for messaging when report is created
SalString lsPdfArchivingAttr Attributes for archiving report as a Pdf file
SalString lsDistributionList Field separator list of users or groups, strNULL will assume current user


The return value is TRUE if the all worked out, else FALSE. It executes the public server method Scheduled_Report_API.New to perform the action, and maintains the entire transaction.

Not found on app forms as well.