
Note: This page includes content based on the F1 documentation for Centura development. It may be partially converted to support APF development, but should be regarded to be of uncertain actuality. It is provided as is. Eventually, it should be replaced by documentation available from within Visual Studio.

SalNumber ValueListGet( SalString sSection,
		     SalString sEntry,
		     SalNumber nProfile,
		     ref SalString<SalArray> sValues )

This method reads a list value from the personal or default profile. The list will be decoded, split and put into the receiving array.


Name Description
SalString sSection Name of section from which to read the value. The section name is combined with the entry name to form a unique key for the value to be written.
SalString sEntry Name of entry to read in the specified section.
SalNumber nProfile Specify constant of the specific profile to get the value from PROFILE_Default, PROFILE_Personal or PROFILE_Both if entries found in both profiles should be merged together.
ref SalString<SalArray> sValues Receive array that will contain the unpacked list




If Const.PROFILE_Both is specified as the profile parameter both the profiles will be searched for the entry and if found in both the profiles the returning list will be a merge of the both starting with the personal profile.List entries read by this method will search for encoded values and decode them. This means that entries read by this method should have been written by the ValueListSet method. In other cases it's possible that contents in the list are wrongly decoded.