
Note: This page includes content based on the F1 documentation for Centura development. It may be partially converted to support APF development, but should be regarded to be of uncertain actuality. It is provided as is. Eventually, it should be replaced by documentation available from within Visual Studio.

SalBoolean ExecuteOnlineWithParams( SalString nWhat,
                                SalString sMethodName,
                                cMessage Mandatory,
                                cMessage NonMandatory )

The ExecuteOnlineWithParams method does the same as ExecuteOnline with the difference that custom parameters can be set and initialized in the "Run Task" dialog, ignoring the predefined ones.


Name Description
SalString nWhat Const.METHOD_Inquire to inquire if target object is available, Const.METHOD_Execute to perform the actual action.
SalString sMethodName The method name of the Task
cMessage Mandatory List of all mandatory parameters that must contain a value when the Task is run.
cMessage NonMandatory List of all non mandatory parameters (if any)


When nWhat is Const.METHOD_Inquire: TRUE if the Task is available, FALSE otherwise
When nWhat is Const.METHOD_Execute: TRUE if the Task was performed, FALSE otherwise.


The value in the predefined parameters will be used if the parameters in not found among the ones provided by the Mandatory & NonMandatory variables.


Function: UM_AnalyzeSchema
      Number: nWhat
   Local variables
      cMessage: Mandatory
      cMessage: NonMandatory
      Call Mandatory.AddAttribute( 'METHOD', 'ESTIMATE' )
      Call NonMandatory.AddAttribute( 'ESTIMATE_PERCENT', '10' )
      Return TaskScheduler.ExecuteOnlineWithParams( nWhat, 'DATABASE_SYS.EXECUTE_ANALYZE_SCHEMA__', Mandatory, NonMandatory )
C# coding sample
public SalBoolean ExecuteOnline(SalNumber nWhat, SalString sMethodName)
	#region Local Variables
	cMessage Mandatory = new cMessage();
	cMessage NonMandatory = new cMessage();
	#region Actions
	return ExecuteOnlineWithParams(nWhat, sMethodName, Mandatory, NonMandatory);