
Note: This page includes content based on the F1 documentation for Centura development. It may be partially converted to support APF development, but should be regarded to be of uncertain actuality. It is provided as is. Eventually, it should be replaced by documentation available from within Visual Studio.

SalString PalArrayToString( SalArray<SalString> Array, SalString sSep )

The PalArrayToString method is concatenating all elements in an array using the provided character as separator and returns the result as a string.


Name Description
SalArray<SalString> Array The array that should be concatenated.
SalString sSep The separator that will be used to separate each array element.


The return value is the concatenated string.


Call SalSendMsg( hWndForm, PAM_User, 0, SalHStringToNumber(
PalArrayToString( sRemovedItems, g_sCHAR_RS ) ) )
On PAM_User
Set nTokens = SalStrTokenize( SalNumberToHString( lParam ), strNULL, g_sCHAR_RS, sArray )
C# code
sPackedValue = Int.PalArrayToString(sRemovedItems, ",");
// Create a new one (if there's is any items to remove)
if (sPackedValue != Const.strNULL) 
	MenuItemsRemoved.AddAttributeRaw(sMenuName, sPackedValue);
Sal.SendMsg(this, Const.AM_MethodStateChanged, 0, 0);