
Note: This page includes content based on the F1 documentation for Centura development. It may be partially converted to support APF development, but should be regarded to be of uncertain actuality. It is provided as is. Eventually, it should be replaced by documentation available from within Visual Studio.

SalString PalFmtFormatDateTimeToStr( SalDateTime dtValue,
		                  SalNumber nFormat )

The PalFmtFormatDateTimeToStr method formats a SalDateTime value into a SalString in Date, DateTime or Time format.


Name Description
SalDateTime dtValue The SalDateTime value to format into a string. When formatted as Time the year, month and day portions of this value are ignored.
SalNumber nFormat Format of the string returned. Use Sys.FMT_Format_Date, Sys.FMT_FormatDateTime, Sys.FMT_FormatTime or Sys.FMT_Format_Unformatted


The return value is the formatted date string.


This method formats the datetime to a string using the Centura default formats (which are dependant on the regional settings on the PC). FMT_Format_Unformatted flag should be used to retrieve unformatted standard date time format. The format that is used by the framework to communicate with the server.

To convert a date-string in the Centura default format to a date/time value, use the PalStrToDate function.


Set dfsOrderDate = PalFmtFormatDateTime( dtOrderDate,
	                              FMT_FormatDate )
C# code
sDate = Int.PalFmtFormatDateTimeToStr(dfdModifiedDate.DateTime, Sys.FMT_Format_Date);