
Note: This page includes content based on the F1 documentation for Centura development. It may be partially converted to support APF development, but should be regarded to be of uncertain actuality. It is provided as is. Eventually, it should be replaced by documentation available from within Visual Studio.

SalNumber PropertyDialog(SalWindowHandle hWndInvoker,
SalString sProfileSection,
cPSheetList PSheetList,
SalString sDialogTitle,
SalArray<SalString> sParam)

The PropertyDialog opens a property dialog with the specified property sheets.


Name Description
SalWindowHandle hWndInvoker The window handle (or name) of the window from which the property dialog should be invoked. When (if) the user presses OK or Apply in the dialog, the PSheetApplyChanges method will  be called in this window.
SalString sProfileSection Section in the profile to use when reading and writing properties. Typically the section is the fully qualified name of hWndInvoker.
cPSheetList PSheetList Array containing information about all the property sheets that are to be displayed in the property dialog. See class cPSheetList for more information.
SalString sDialogTitle Window title to use for the property dialog. This parameter should be a translatable constant. The text may optionally contain placeholders that are substituted for the values of the parameters in sParam
SalArray<SalString> sParam Array containing the value parameters that should replace the placeholders.


This method does not return a value.


Function: OpenPropertyDialog
   Local Variables
       String: sPlaceHolders[*]
       cPSheetList: PSheetList
       Call PSheetList.Add( 'dlgPSheetColumnVisibility', PSHEET_ColumnVisibility, 'PROPOBJCO' )
       Call PSheetList.Add( 'dlgPSheetQueryColVisibility', PSHEET_QueryColsVisibility,
                            'PROPOBJQU' )
       Call PropertyDialog( i_hWndSelf, QualifiedItemNameGet( i_hWndSelf ), PSheetList,
                            PSHEET_DialogObjectProperties, sPlaceHolders )
       Call PropertyDialog( i_hWndSelf, QualifiedItemNameGet( i_hWndSelf ), PSheetList,
                            PSHEET_DialogObjectProperties, sPlaceHolders )
C# code
public SalNumber __OnPSheetOpenDialog(SalNumber wParam, SalNumber lParam)
	#region Local Variables
	SalArray<SalString> sPlaceHolders = new SalArray<SalString>();
	cPSheetList PSheetList = new cPSheetList();
	SalString sTitle = "";
	#region Actions
	using (new SalContext(this))
		// Collect all PSheets
		this.vrtPSheetPrepare(PSheetList, ref sTitle);
		// Perform action
		switch (wParam)
			case Const.METHOD_Inquire:
				// Return TRUE
				return i_nMyValue != 0 && __bPicturePresent;
			case Const.METHOD_Execute:
				// Show dialog
				Int.PropertyDialog(i_hWndSelf, Int.QualifiedItemNameGet(i_hWndSelf),
PSheetList, sTitle, sPlaceHolders); break; } } return 0; #endregion }