
Note: This page includes content based on the F1 documentation for Centura development. It may be partially converted to support APF development, but should be regarded to be of uncertain actuality. It is provided as is. Eventually, it should be replaced by documentation available from within Visual Studio.


An application sends the Const.PM_DataItemFlagQuery to a data item to find out if one or more specific flag is set.


Name Description
nFlag = wParam The data item Const.FIELD_* flags to be queried. A single or a combination (using the OR (|) operator) of flags may be specified.
lParam Unused


The return value is TRUE if all of the flags queried for are set, FALSE otherwise.


Applications should use the Const.PM_DataItemFlagQuery message to query if all the specified flags are set. To query if any of a number of flags are set, applications should retrieve the complete set of flags using the PM_DataItemFlagGet message.


This example checks if a data item is both insertable an updateable.

Set bInsertAndUpdate = SalSendMsg( hWndItem,
                       FIELD_Insertable | FIELD_Updatable, 0 )

C# coding

This example checks if a data item is updateable.

Sal.SendMsg(i_hWndChild[i], Const.PM_DataItemFlagQuery, Const.FIELD_Update, 0);