
Note: This page includes content based on the F1 documentation for Centura development. It may be partially converted to support APF development, but should be regarded to be of uncertain actuality. It is provided as is. Eventually, it should be replaced by documentation available from within Visual Studio.


The Const.PM_PSheetOpenDialog message is sent to a window object to open the property dialog for that object.


Name Description
nWhat = wParam Standard method parameter. Possible values are Const.METHOD_Inquire, Const.METHOD_Execute, Const.METHOD_GetType
lParam Unused


When nWhat = Const.METHOD_Inquire, the return value is TRUE if at least one of the specified property sheets are available, FALSE otherwise.

When nWhat = Const.METHOD_Execute, the return value is unused.


For data sources, graphs and some other object, the framework will process the Const.PM_PSheetOpenDialog message and open the standard property dialogs.


This example processes the Const.PM_PSheetOpenDialog message to show the application property dialogs.

On PM_PSheetOpenDialog
   Call PSheetList.Add( 'dlgPSheetGeneral', PSHEET_General, 'PROPAPPGE' )
   Call PSheetList.Add( 'dlgPSheetAssistance', PSHEET_Assistance, 'PROPAPPAS' )
   Call PSheetList.Add( 'dlgPSheetLanguage', PSHEET_Language, 'PROPAPPLA' )
   Call PSheetList.Add( 'dlgPSheetUserGlobals', PSHEET_UserGlobals, 'PROPAPPGL' )
   Call PSheetList.Add( 'dlgPSheetProfile', PSHEET_Profile, 'PROPAPPPR' )

   Select Case wParam
       Case METHOD_Inquire
          Return Security.IsAnyPSheetAvailable( PSheetList )
       Case METHOD_Execute
          Call PropertyDialog( hWndMDI, QualifiedItemNameGet( hWndMDI ),
             PSheetList, PSHEET_DialogApplication, sPlaceHolders )
C# code
private void cPictureDataItem_MessageActions(ref SalMessage message)
	#region Actions
	switch (message.Code)
case Const.PM_PSheetOpenDialog: this.cPictureDataItem_OnPM_PSheetOpenDialog(ref message); break; } } private void cPictureDataItem_OnPM_PSheetOpenDialog(ref SalMessage message) { #region Actions message.Handled = true; Sal.SendClassMessage(Const.PM_PSheetOpenDialog, Sys.wParam, Sys.lParam); message.Return = this.__OnPSheetOpenDialog(Sys.wParam, Sys.lParam); return; #endregion }