
Depot transfers allow for parts to be transferred from one depot to another (from a parent depot to a child depot). The transfer will have an associated time delay and cost.


[ DynamicComponentDependency ] depottransfer DepotTransferName {
[ TimeSpanUOM ] [ TimeZoneOverride ] [ ChangeDetection ] [ CustomChangeHandler ] #SqlDml.QueryBlock ;

Mandatory columns

Column Name Data Type Description Default Value
activity_id_child String(32) Specifies a unique identifier for the depot the part is being transferred to.
activity_id_parent String(32) Specifies a unique identifier for the depot the part is being transferred from.
transfer_settings_id String(32) Specifies a unique identifier for the transfer settings used.

            depottransfer DepotTransfer {{SelectName}} {
                     ..                  activity_id_child,
                     ..                  activity_id_parent,
                     ..                  transfer_settings_id
               FROM {{sourceTableName}}
               WHERE ...;

Note:   All selected columns must have correct aliases that match a IFS Scheduling DepotTransfer.




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