
Location entries need to be created for activities, resources, shifts where required. The EA is responsible for providing accurate location information. It is strongly advisable to have all location information validated prior to sending to the scheduling system.


[ DynamicComponentDependency ] location LocationName {
[ TimeSpanUOM ] [ TimeZoneOverride ] [ ChangeDetection ] [ CustomChangeHandler ] [ UrlPropertySetting ] #SqlDml.QueryBlock ;

Mandatory columns

Column Name Data Type Description Default Value
id String(32) Unique id.

Optional columns

Column Name Data Type Description Default Value
address_line1 String(128) The first address line for this location.
address_line2 String(128) The second address line for this location.
address_line3 String(128) The third address line for this location.
address_line4 String(128) The fourth address line for this location.
address_line5 String(128) The fifth address line for this location.
address_line6 String(128) The sixth address line for this location.
addtime Number (minutes by default) Specifies the amount of time to be added to the travel of an activity for gaining access to this location. If two consecutive activities are at the same location, the time is only added to the first travel. Activities are considered to be at the same location if a locality is specified for both locations, and it is the same; or if locality is not specified on one or both locations, and the two location ids are the same.
city String(40) Specifies address city
description String(2000) Provides a description of the Location, which may be shown in the Scheduling Workbench
duration_overhead Number (minutes by default) Specifies the amount of time to be added to the expected duration of the first activity at a location or locality. If two consecutive activities are at the same location, the time is only added to the first activity. Activities are considered to be at the same location if a locality is specified for both locations, and it is the same; or if locality is not specified on one or both locations, and the two location ids are the same.
lack_of_coverage Number (0 = False, 1 = True) If provided, the Time Horizon parameter or Resource.maximum_committed_activities are overridden when considering commits for activities at a location marked 'lack of coverage'.
latitude Double Provides the latitude in decimal degrees.
locality String(32) If the activity location has the attribute locality set to 'Site 1' then the do_on_location_incentive is applied to all other activities that are linked to a location with Location.locality = 'Site 1'
location_type_id String(32) Specifies the id of the location type for this location.
longitude Double Provides the longitude in decimal degrees.
name String(64) Specifies the location name if required.
post_code_zip String(20) Specifies post code / zip.
region String(40) Specifies address region
state String(40) Specifies address country

            location Location {{SelectName}} {
                     ..                  id,
                  -- optional columns
                     ..                  address_line1,
                     ..                  address_line2,
                     ..                  address_line3,
                     ..                  address_line4,
                     ..                  address_line5,
                     ..                  address_line6,
                     ..                  addtime,
                     ..                  city,
                     ..                  description,
                     ..                  duration_overhead,
                     ..                  lack_of_coverage,
                     ..                  latitude,
                     ..                  locality,
                     ..                  location_type_id,
                     ..                  longitude,
                     ..                  name_,
                     ..                  post_code_zip,
                     ..                  region,
                     ..                  state
               FROM {{sourceTableName}}
               WHERE ...;

Note:   All selected columns must have correct aliases that match a IFS Scheduling Location.




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