
This defines what SLAs can be assigned to activities. The type of SLA mechanism required is defined by the Mechanism Type. Which attributes are required will depend on the mechanism type.


[ DynamicComponentDependency ] slatype SLATypeName {
[ TimeSpanUOM ] [ TimeZoneOverride ] [ ChangeDetection ] [ CustomChangeHandler ] #SqlDml.QueryBlock ;

Mandatory columns

Column Name Data Type Description Default Value
id String(32) Defines a unique id for the SLA type.

Optional columns

Column Name Data Type Description Default Value
activity_ageing_factor Double Defines a value that is used to scale the Base Value of an activity for each day that the activity has been open, according to a defined formula. So a value of 1 makes no difference with time; a value of < 1 makes the activity less important with time as it gets older; and a value > 1 makes the activity more important as it gets older. The base time for the ageing factor is the Activity_SLA.datetime_start. 1
cost Double Specifies the cost incurred by attending an activity in this SLA type. 0
curve_shape Double Defines a power to be used to determine how the Value of this activity varies with time. A value of 1 makes the variation linear; a value <1 means that as the end of the Scheduling Period approaches, the value of the activity drops off more quickly; a value >1 means that as the end of the Scheduling Period approaches, the value of the activity drops off more slowly. 1
early_sla_benefit Double Defines a value that will have the effect of trying to place activities earlier in the SLA. The higher the benefit the harder the DSE will try to move the activity to the start of the SLA. 0
generate_jeopardy_exceptions Number (0 = False, 1 = True) Determines if jeopardy exceptions should be raised for this Activity and SLA. True
mechanism_type String(20) Specifies the type of SLA mechanism to be deployed. POWER_BASED
revenue Double Specifies the revenue gained by attending an activity in this SLA type. 1000
start_proportion Double Specifies the proportion of the Base Value which applies at the start of the scheduling period e.g. if this is 0.5, the activity has half as much value at the start of the scheduling period than at the end. This should always be greater or equal to the end proportion and less than or equal to the proportions used in any previous SLA periods. 1
description String(2000) Provides a description of the SLA and its purpose.
end_proportion Double Specifies the proportion of the Base Value which applies at the end of the scheduling period e.g. if this is 0.5, the activity has half as much value at the end of the scheduling period than at the beginning. So the activity is more likely to be scheduled earlier.

            slatype SLAType {{SelectName}} {
                     ..                  id,
                  -- optional columns
                     ..                  activity_ageing_factor,
                     ..                  cost,
                     ..                  curve_shape,
                     ..                  early_sla_benefit,
                     ..                  generate_jeopardy_exceptions,
                     ..                  mechanism_type,
                     ..                  revenue,
                     ..                  start_proportion,
                     ..                  description,
                     ..                  end_proportion
               FROM {{sourceTableName}}
               WHERE ...;

Note:   All selected columns must have correct aliases that match a IFS Scheduling SLAType.




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