Model Syntax for Entity

Entity definition

This model defines an entity with attributes, relationships to other entities and an optional state machine.


Name Component [ Layer ] [ BasedOn ] [ Validity ] ( CodeGenProperties | ) Attributes [ SearchDomains ] [ Associations ] [ States ] [ ObjectConnections ]

Naming section

First section contains the naming of the model and component.

entityname Actor;
component  APPS8;

Layer section

This should only be set when developing an extention or customization, value should be Ext or Cust.

Based on section

States that this entity is based on another entity, and the name of that entity. There is very limited support for inheritance between entities, this is more an indication, and most logic must be implemented manually.

basedOn                              Movie;

Code generation control section

An optional section with codegen properties is used when necessary.

codegenproperties {
   DbObjversionStyle "number";

Attributes section

A list of all attributes that are part of this entity. Each attribute specifies type, name, datatype, and control flags.

attributes {
   key        ActorId   NUMBER(10) KMI-L;
   public     FirstName TEXT(100)  AMIUL;
   public     LastName  TEXT(100)  A-IUL;
   public     BirthDate DATE       A-IUL;

Associations section

A list of all associations to other entities.

associations {
   parent                               IsoCountry     IsoCountry( CountryCode)/CASCADE{   }
   reference                            ItemIdRef      MovieItem( MovieId)/NOCHECK{   }
   reference                            TypeElementRef MovieTypeElement( CountryCode, MovieId)/CUSTOM=(Check_Reference_Pfe__,){   }
   reference                            LibraryIdRef   MovieLibrary( MovieId)/CUSTOMLIST=(Check_Remove,Do_Remove){   }

State machine section

A list of available states together with conditions and actions for transitions between states.

states {
   startstate {
      always transitionTo ForHire;
   state ForHire {
      on BadRating transitionTo Retired;
   endstate Retired {

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