The plsql file (*.plsql) contains the business logic. This file is not directly deployable into the database and has to pass through the code generator which produces database deployable api and apy files. The plsql file can be empty if no additions or changes to the template generated base plsql file exist.


Base plsql file

In the Base plsql file the following are defined:

Once the Base plsql file is generated it cannot be changed.

Core plsql file

In the core plsql file, R&D adds all extra business logic. In this file it is possible to:

Extension/Localization plsql file

In any extension/localization plsql file, extension/localization specific business logic is written. In these files it is possible to:

Customization plsql file

In any customization plsql file, customization specific business logic is written. In these files it is possible to: