Using Cursors and Bulk Operations

This page describes how to choose storage operations when working with many records. Choosing the type of a storage operation may have impact on used system resources, like memory allocation and database connections. Several tips are illustrated here with examples of how to use query cursors that let you iterate over the result set and bulk operations - storage operations that work on a set of records.



The standard query method returns a whole result set as one array of records. As a result, queries that return many records require much memory, because all fetched records must be present in memory at the same time. Quite often you need to access only one record at a time. In such cases the queryCursor method may be a better choice. It returns a cursor or pointer to the current view (entity instance) in the result set. The cursor's next method is used to iterate over all entity instances in the result set. queryCursor, just like standard query takes as input an FndQueryRecord, but note that the attributes skipRows and maxRows are ignored. A view returned by the next method contains simple and compound attributes depending on the include/exclude flags set on the input record.

In the following example we will find all distinct zip codes for person addresses in Poland. We need a master-detail query because person addresses are stored as a detail array in PersonInfo entity. The master query will retrieve only persons that have at least one address in Poland. The detail query will retrieve all Polish addresses for a current person. Note that the same PersonInfoAddress query condition is used in the master query (as EXISTS_IN detail condition) as well as in the detail query. This will guarantee that only needed master records will be fetched from the database.

// get an entity handler for PersonInfo                                                   
PersonInfoHandler handler = (PersonInfoHandler) PersonInfoHandlerFactory.getHandler();    
// include only needed person attributes                                                  
PersonInfo person = new PersonInfo();                                                     
// include only needed address attributes                                                 
PersonInfoAddress address = new PersonInfoAddress();                                      
address.zipCode.include();                                                       ;                                                                   
// create query condition on address record                                      "PL");                                                           
// add the address condition as EXISTS_IN detail condition (will be used in master query) 
   person.addresses.createDetailCondition(address, FndQueryReferenceCategory.EXISTS_IN)); 
// add the address condition to the detail array (will be used in detail query)           
// open a cursor                                                                          
PersonInfoQueryCursor persons = handler.queryCursor(new FndQueryRecord(person));          
// iterate over the result set and collect incoming zip codes                             
Set postCodes = new HashSet();                                                               
PersonInfo pers;                                                                          
while((pers = != null) {                                                  
   for(int i = 0; i < pers.addresses.size(); i++) {                                       
      PersonInfoAddress addr = pers.addresses(i);                                         
      postCodes.add(addr.zipCode.getValue() + " " +;                   

// close the cursor

When queryCursor is called the following master select statement is executed. The master query returns every person that has at least one address in Poland.

SELECT a1.PERSON_ID                                      
FROM ifsapp.PERSON_INFO_PUBLIC a1                        
WHERE a1.PERSON_ID = a2.PERSON_ID                        

FndStatement: Binding parameters:
   1: (TEXT) = PL                                

When next is called the next master record is fetched from the database and the following detail select statement is executed. The detail query returns all Polish addresses for the current person. Here, the value of the first bind variable JOSMSE is the ID of the current person.

SELECT a1.ZIP_CODE, a1.CITY                          
FROM ifsapp.PERSON_INFO_ADDRESS a1                   
WHERE a1.PERSON_ID = :1                              
FndStatement: Binding parameters:
   1: (TEXT) = JOSMSE          
   2: (TEXT) = PL                

query and bulkSave

The queryCursor operation may perform better than the standard query operation, because it uses less memory. However, if you need to call a storage operation on every view returned by next, then the standard query combined with bulkSave may be a better choice. Why? Because every call to a storage operation requires an initialization of the database connection, which is a costly operation. So, if the number of returned records is not too high you can consider using the standard query method combined with bulkSave method; the combination that invokes only two storage operations.

The bulkSave method saves multiple entity instances in a single call. It takes as parameter an array of entity views. The array may contain views in different states having attributes with different values.

The following example will compute and update person initials. First a standard query operation retrieves all persons having undefined initials. Then, in a loop, a value of initials is computed and set on every view returned by the query. Finally, the array with modified entities is sent to bulkSave operation.

// get an entity handler for PersonInfo                                                  
PersonInfoHandler handler = (PersonInfoHandler) PersonInfoHandlerFactory.getHandler();   
// include only needed attributes                                                        
PersonInfo person = new PersonInfo();                                                    
person.personId.include();                                                      ;                                                                   
// create condition on initials attribute (we don't want to overwrite existing values)   
// perform standard query opetaion                                                       
PersonInfoArray arr = (PersonInfoArray) handler.query(new FndQueryRecord(person));       
// iterate over query result                                                             
for(int i = 0; i < arr.size(); i++) {                                                    
   PersonInfo pers = arr.get(i);                                                         
   // create initials by concatenating the first letter of every part of the person's name
   StringTokenizer words = new StringTokenizer(, " ");               
   StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();                                                
   // set the person's initials (this makes the pers record dirty)                       
// call storage operation                                                                 

Combination of the standard query operation with bulkSave is recommended only if the number (and size) of modified records is not too big. If you work with a very big number of records this combination may consume a lot of memory.

queryCursor and save in a loop is memory efficient but gives many calls to storage operations. query and bulkSave gives just two calls to storage operations but may consume a lot of memory. The next section presents a way to combine the good sides of queryCursor and bulkSave operations.

queryCursor and bulkSave

The following example will do the same task as the previous one: it will compute and update person initials. It will use queryCursor to fetch one record at a time. Then it will gather fetched and modified entities in a temporary array until it reaches a specified size (see the variable bulkSize). Then the bulk of entities is saved by calling bulkSave, the temporary array is cleared and the process continues.

// get an entity handler for PersonInfo                                                   
PersonInfoHandler handler = (PersonInfoHandler) PersonInfoHandlerFactory.getHandler();    
// include only needed attributes                                                         
PersonInfo person = new PersonInfo();                                                     
person.personId.include();                                                       ;                                                                    
// create condition on initials attribute (we don't want to overwrite existing values)    
// create a temporary array for persons                                                   
int bulkSize = 100;                                                                       
PersonInfoArray arr = new PersonInfoArray();                                              
// open a cursor                                                                          
PersonInfoQueryCursor persons = handler.queryCursor(new FndQueryRecord(person));          
// iterate over the result set                                                            
while((person = != null) {                                                
   // create initials by concatenating the first letter of every part of the person's name 
   StringTokenizer words = new StringTokenizer(, " ");              
   StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();                                                 
   // set the person's initials and add the person to the array                           
   // save the next bulk of persons                                                       
   if(arr.size() >= bulkSize) {                                                           

// save the last bulk of persons                                                          
if(arr.size() > 0)                                                                        
// close the cursor

queryCursor plus bulkSave in a loop is a beneficial combination. It saves both memory and initialization of database connections. A drawback is that it is more complicated than other combinations described in this document.


When you want to query a set of entities and then update these entities with the same attribute values, then probably the best option is to use batchSave operation. It takes two views as input: a value view and a condition view. batchSave performs a query based on the condition view and then updates every entity in the result set with the attribute values defined in the value view. It means that you can update many entity instances (and optionally their details) in one call to a storage operation.

batchSave has different implementations depending on the input views. In case of LU entities without dirty LOBs and without custom storage batchSave is especially effective. It generates one PLSQL block and sends it to the database for execution, which means that the modified views are never allocated in java VM memory. In other cases (native entities, dirty LOBs or custom storage) batchSave is less efficient, but is probably a better option than calling a storage operation in a loop.

The following example modifies the value of title attribute in many entity instances in one call to a storage operation. The value record contains a new value for title attribute. The condition record contains the current value of this attribute. Note that batchSave operation ignores include query result flags on the condition record, all attributes necessary to properly perform the operation (OBJID, OBJVERSION, primary and parent keys) are included automatically.

// get an entity handler for PersonInfo                                               
PersonInfoHandler handler = (PersonInfoHandler) PersonInfoHandlerFactory.getHandler();
// create value view and set the new value for title attribute                        
PersonInfo personValue = new PersonInfo();                                            
personValue.title.setValue("Senior Software Engineer");                               
// create condition view and set the current value for title attribute                
PersonInfo personCond = new PersonInfo();                                             
personCond.title.setValue("Software Engineer");                                       
// call storage operation                                                             
handler.batchSave(personValue, personCond);                                           

When batchSave is called the following PLSQL block is generated. It performs a query derived from the condition view and then, in a loop, sends every fetched record to procedure PERSON_INFO_API.Modify__.

   tmpinfo_ varchar2(32767);                                                               
   tmpattr_ varchar2(32767);                                                               
   allinfo_ clob;                                                                          
      attr_ constant varchar2(31) := :1;                                                   
      for R1 in                                                                             
 SELECT a1.OBJID, a1.OBJVERSION, a1.PERSON_ID                                               
 FROM ifsapp.PERSON_INFO_PUBLIC a1                                                          
 WHERE a1.TITLE = :2                                                                        
         tmpattr_ := attr_;                                                                 
         ifsapp.PERSON_INFO_API.Modify__(tmpinfo_, R1.objid, R1.objversion, tmpattr_, 'DO');
         allinfo_ := allinfo_ || tmpinfo_;                                                  
      end loop; -- R1                                                                       
   :3 := allinfo_;                                                                          
FndStatement: Binding parameters:                                      
   1: (STRING) = TITLE Senior Software Engineer
   2: (TEXT) = Software Engineer                                       
   3: (out LONG_TEXT) INFO                                             

batchSave operation may be used to remove existing entity instances. The next example removes many entities in one database call. The value record has state set to REMOVED_RECORD. The condition record defines the set of entity instances to be removed. The call to batchSave removes the specified entities in one database call.

// get an entity handler for PersonInfo                                               
PersonInfoHandler handler = (PersonInfoHandler) PersonInfoHandlerFactory.getHandler();
// create value view and set its state to REMOVED_RECORD                              
PersonInfo value = new PersonInfo();                                                  
// create condition view and specify what person entities to remove                   
PersonInfo cond = new PersonInfo();                                                   
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();                                                     
// call storage operation                                                             
handler.batchSave(value, cond);                                                        

When removing entities batchSave removes also entity details marked with cascade-delete flag in the model. The complete PLSQL block generated in debug mode for the above example is here.

The next example shows how detail records may be modified by batchSave operation. Suppose that you want to prolong validity of Polish delivery addresses until the end of the year. First, we create a value view. Person addresses are stored as a detail array in PersonInfo entity, so we need to create an address view, set its validTo attribute and add it to the addresses array of the master entity. As a next step we create an address condition view. We want to retrieve only addresses in Poland, that have validTo attribute set to a not null value lower than the end of this year. Also, we create a detail condition on the address type view, because we want to retrieve only delivery addresses. Now, we add the address condition to the master condition view (PersonInfo) as well as to the detail condition view (PersonInfoAddress). This will guarantee that only needed master records will be fetched from the database.

// get an entity handler for PersonInfo                                                           
PersonInfoHandler handler = (PersonInfoHandler) PersonInfoHandlerFactory.getHandler();            
// prepare timestamp that will be used both in value and condition records                        
Timestamp endOfYear = Timestamp.valueOf("2007-12-31 00:00:00.00000000");                          
// create value view and set the new value for validTo attribute in detail view                   
PersonInfo personValue = new PersonInfo();                                                        
PersonInfoAddress addressValue = new PersonInfoAddress();                                         
// create master condition view                                                                   
PersonInfo personCond = new PersonInfo();                                                         
// create address condition view                                                                  
PersonInfoAddress addressCond = new PersonInfoAddress();                                 "PL");                                                               
// create address type condition view and add it as EXISTS_IN detail condition on address view    
PersonInfoAddressType typeCond = new PersonInfoAddressType();                                     
   addressCond.addressTypes.createDetailCondition(typeCond, FndQueryReferenceCategory.EXISTS_IN));
// add the address condition as EXISTS_IN detail condition (will be used in master query)         
   personCond.addresses.createDetailCondition(addressCond, FndQueryReferenceCategory.EXISTS_IN)); 
// add the address condition to the detail array (will be used in detail query)                   
// call storage operation                                                                         
handler.batchSave(personValue, personCond);                                                       

The complete PLSQL block generated in debug mode for the above example is here.

When an entity is a native entity and it's contains states batchSave method generated with additional third text parameter for modify the entity state attribute. This is not generated for LU entity and native entity without states.

The following example modifies the entity state value of many entity instances in one call to a storage operation.

// call storage operation with change entity state value to "ACTIVE"                                                            
handler.batchSave(personValue, personCond, "ACTIVE");                                           


Use standard query when:

Use queryCursor when:

Use batchSave when:

Use bulkSave when:

Finally, some general rules, which can help you in optimal selection and usage of storage operations: