The SalApplication type exposes the following members.


Public methodSalApplication()()()()
Default constructor.
Public methodSalApplication(array<String>[]()[][])
Constructs a new SalApplication instance and processes the startup arguments.


Public methodStatic memberAddForm
Increase the reference count for the application object. It is called every time a new SalForm is created.
Public methodStatic memberApplySkin(Form)
Enables skinning for the form.
Public methodStatic memberApplySkin(Control, Boolean)
Enables skinning for the control.
Public methodStatic memberDelayDispose
Queue the object to be disposed at the next idle notification.
Public methodStatic memberDisable
Disables input to all open forms. Use SalAppDisable and SalAppEnable when there are multiple applications running simultaneously and you want to control which application receives user input.
Public methodStatic memberEnable
Enables input to all open forms that were disabled by SalAppDisable. Use SalAppDisable and SalAppEnable when there are multiple applications running simultaneously and you want to control which application receives user input.
Public methodStatic memberEndTrace
Stops all tracing. Any calls to SalTrace() occurring after SalEndTrace() will be ignored.
Public methodStatic memberFind
Finds a visible top-level window for the specified application. its window handle.
Public methodStatic memberGetProfileInt
Retrieves the integer value of an entry in the specified section of an initialization file or registry.
Public methodStatic memberGetProfileString
Retrieves the string value of an entry in the specified section of an initialization file or registry.
Public methodStatic memberIdleKick
Generate an idle cicle.
Public methodStatic memberIdleRegister
Registers a control to receive the specified message when there is an idle state.
Public methodStatic memberIdleUnregister
Stops sending idle messages to a control.
Public methodStatic memberLoadApp
Starts an application.
Public methodStatic memberLoadAppAndProcessMsgs
Starts an application, then waits for it to exit before returning control to the original application. However, the original application can continue to process messages.
Public methodStatic memberLoadAppAndWait
Starts an application, then waits for it to exit before returning control to the original application.
Public methodStatic memberLoadSkinFile
Loads the specified skin file.


When loading a skin file, skinning is enabled automatically.
Public methodStatic memberLoadSkinResource(String)
Loads the specified skin file from the application's embedded resources.


When loading a skin file, skinning is enabled automatically.
Public methodStatic memberLoadSkinResource(Assembly, String)
Loads the specified skin file from the assembly's embedded resources.


When loading a skin file, skinning is enabled automatically.
Protected methodOnAppCreateAutomaticForms
Forms that have the AutomaticallyCreate property set to true are created in the implementation of this function. This is called after OnAppStartup.
Protected methodOnAppExit
Corresponds to SAM_AppExit
Protected methodOnAppStartup
Corresponds to SAM_AppStartup
Protected methodOnSqlError
Corresponds to SAM_SqlError
Protected methodOnThreadException
Receives unhandled exceptions from window procedures.
Protected methodOnUnhandledException
Unhandled exception event.
Public methodStatic memberPause
Pauses the application for the specified number of milliseconds while dispatching messages.
Public methodQuit
Forces the termination of the application.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveForm
Decreases the reference count for the application object. When the count drops to zero (or below if there is a bug), the application exits. It is called everytime a Sal form is destroyed. This should emulate SAL application's behavior with respect to top level windows. When the last form is destroyed the app exits.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveSkin(Form)
Disables skinning for the form.
Public methodStatic memberRemoveSkin(Control, Boolean)
Disables skinning for the control.
Public methodRun
Main method to startup a SAL application. The SAL application class that extends SalApplication should call this method in the application's Main method. Example:
public static int Main(string[] args)
       return new PortedSalApplication().Run(args);
Public methodStatic memberSetProfileString
Set the value of an entry in the specified section of an initialization file or registry. All profile information is stored as string, so if you want to store an integer it must be converted to a string first. Then it can be retrieved as an integer using the SalGetProfileInt- Function .
Public methodStatic memberStartTrace
Allows tracing to begin.
Public methodStatic memberTrace
Outputs a string to the trace output target selected earlier in the SalStartTrace function. Note that if tracing is not already activated, this function will return TRUE even though no trace action is taken. When writing to the event log, the severity level is kept in numeric form. When writing to any other output target, it is translated into a tex string such as "Warning".
Public methodStatic memberUseEventLog
Public methodStatic memberUseRegistry


Public propertyStatic memberApplicationType
Returns the type of the application.
Public propertyStatic memberCompanyName
Returns the company of the application loaded from the AssemblyCompany attribute;
Public propertyStatic memberDefaultPrinterSettings
Returns the default printer settings. This is set by SalPrt
Public propertyStatic memberFormsScaleFactor
Global autoscaling factor used for all forms in the application. It is empty by default. In which case the standard scaling is used.
Public propertyStatic memberInstance
Returns the instance of the application
Public propertyStatic memberSkinApplication
Enables/Disables the skinning of the entire application.
Public propertyStatic memberThreadModel
Returns the threading model.
Public propertyStatic memberTitle
Returns the title of the application loaded from the AssemblyTitle attribute;
Public propertyStatic memberTopLevelForms
Returns a list of all top-level forms that belong to this application.
Public propertyStatic memberUseCompatibleTextRendering
Returns the value of the internal property Control.UseCompatibleTextRendering.
Public propertyStatic memberVersion
Returns the version of the framework.
Public propertyStatic memberVisualStyler
Returns the thread-safe instance of the VisualStyler component.


VisualStyler can be used directly to set advanced properties.
Public propertyStatic memberVisualStyles
Enables disables Windows visual styles.
Public propertyStatic memberXPStyle Obsolete.
Enables disables XP visual styles.


Public eventStatic memberSkinChanged
Fired when the loaded skin changes.

See Also