This constant specifies that the picture format to validate is a date/time picture format. Use FMT_Pic_DateTime with the SalFmtIsValidPicture function. Value = 1 Valid date/time picture format values: Value Item Appearance M month 1-12 MM month 01-12 MMM month Jan-Dec MMMM month January-December d day 1-31 dd day 01-31 ddd day Mon-Sun dddd day Monday-Sunday yy year 00-99 yyyy year 0000-9999 hh hour 1-12 hhhh hour 0-24 mm minutes 0-59 ss seconds 0-59 mmmmmm microseconds 000000-999999 AMPM AM/PM The AM/PM indicator Examples of date/time picture format mappings: Date/Time Picture Meaning d MMMM, yyyy 9 January, 1992 dddd, MMMM d, yyyy Friday, February 7, 1992 M/d/yy 3/18/92 dd-MM-yyyy 18-03-1992 d "of" MMMM, yyyy 9 of January, 1992 M/d/ AMPM 2/3/92-12.23.15 AM

Namespace: PPJ.Runtime
Assembly: PPJ.Runtime.2 (in PPJ.Runtime.2.dll) Version: 2.0.1044.0 (2.0.1044.5276)


public const int FMT_Pic_DateTime

See Also