SAM_ColumnSelectClick is sent to a table window, and a table window column when the user selects or deselects a column by clicking on the column title. You must set TBL_Flag_SelectableCols to TRUE by calling SalTblSetTableFlags (it is FALSE by default). To retrieve the window handle of the column in wParam, use SalNumberToWindowHandle. Message Variables hWndForm Window handle of the table window. hWndItem Table window handle in table window message actions, column handle in column message actions. wParam Column handle. IParam Unused. Example Table Window: tbl1 ... Message Actions On SAM_ColumnSelectClick Set hWndCol = SalNumberToWindowHandle( wParam ) Set nMaxLength = 15 Set nColLength = SalTblGetColumnTitle( hWndCol, sColTitle, nMaxLength ) Call SalMessageBox( 'You selected the title ' || sColTitle ,'Info' , MB_Ok )

Namespace: PPJ.Runtime
Assembly: PPJ.Runtime.2 (in PPJ.Runtime.2.dll) Version: 2.0.1044.0 (2.0.1044.5276)


public const int SAM_ColumnSelectClick

See Also