SAM_DDE_ClientRequest is sent to a server application as the result of a client application's request for updated data. A server listens for requests from clients by processing the SAM_DDE_ClientRequest message. A server sends data to a client by calling SalDDESendToClient. The wParam for the SAM_DDE_ClientRequest message contains the window handle of the client. The server uses wParam in a SalDDESendToClient parameter to send the data back to the same client. Message Variables hWndForm Handle of a top-level window. hWndItem Object handle. wParam Window handle of the sender. IParam Unused. Example On SAM_DDE_ClientRequest If NOT SalDDESendToClient( frmMain, dfServerData, wParam, 100 ) Call SalMessageBox( 'SalDDESendToClient failed', 'DDE Error', MB_Ok | MB_IconStop )

Namespace: PPJ.Runtime
Assembly: PPJ.Runtime.2 (in PPJ.Runtime.2.dll) Version: 2.0.1044.0 (2.0.1044.5276)


public const int SAM_DDE_ClientRequest

See Also