Report Builder sends a SAM_ReportFetchNext message to a top-level window or MDI window that started the report. This message is sent after a SAM_ReportFetchInit message to indicate that Report Builder is ready to receive the next row of data from the application. If the application is going to fetch the report data from a database, it typically makes a call to SqlFetchNext to fetch the next row from the database upon receipt of this message. If the fetch is successful, the application returns TRUE for SAM_ReportFetchNext. Does not send data from the application to Report Builder until the application returns TRUE in SAM_ReportFetchNext processing. If there is no more data to fetch, the application returns FALSE. Message Variables hWndForm Unused. hWndItem Unused. wParam Window handle of the window that started the report. IParam Unused. Example Form Window: frmMain ... Message Actions On SAM_ReportFetchNext If SqlFetchNext

Namespace: PPJ.Runtime
Assembly: PPJ.Runtime.2 (in PPJ.Runtime.2.dll) Version: 2.0.1044.0 (2.0.1044.5276)


public const int SAM_ReportFetchNext

See Also