Defines the appearance and behavior of a table window's row header. The row header is a non-editable area on the left edge of a table window that displays information that stays displayed even when a user scrolls horizontally. A typical use of a row header is the display of row numbers.

Namespace: PPJ.Runtime.Windows
Assembly: PPJ.Runtime.2 (in PPJ.Runtime.2.dll) Version: 2.0.1044.0 (2.0.1044.5276)


public SalBoolean DefineRowHeader(
	SalString title,
	SalNumber width,
	SalNumber flags,
	Control column


Type: PPJ.Runtime..::..SalString
The title of the row header column.
Type: PPJ.Runtime..::..SalNumber
The width of the row header in pixels.
Type: PPJ.Runtime..::..SalNumber
The row header attributes. You can combine these flags using the OR (|) operator. Possible values include: TBLRow Hde marke eidts Tbls share ocoler Tbla hdar Visiilbe. TBL RowHdr Visible TBL RowHdr MarkEdits TBL RowHdr ShareColor TBL RowHdr Sizable
Type: System.Windows.Forms..::..Control
The column that the row header mirrors. Whatever displays in the row header. If colId is 0, the row header is blank.

Return Value


See Also