The SalForm type exposes the following members.


Public methodBringWindowToTop
Brings a window to the top of all overlapping windows.
Public methodCenterWindow
Centers a window. If the window is a top-level window, it centers it on the desktop. If the window is a child window, it centers it on top of its parent.
Public methodClearCursor
Clears a window's cursor.
Protected methodConvertMenuToContextMenuStrip
Called just before the ContextMenu is about to be shown, making it possible to convert the ContextMenu into a ContextMenuStrip instead.
Protected methodCreateForm
Creates the handle for the form and all the child controls.
Protected methodCreateTableWindow
Creates an instance of the inner child table window.
Protected methodDefWndProc
Override the default window procedure to be able to create hidden mdi child forms. For some unknown reason the .NET framwork forces MDI children to be visible.
(Overrides Form..::..DefWndProc(Message%).)
Public methodDestroyWindow
Destroys a form window, a top-level table window, or a modeless dialog box created with SalCreateWindow.
Public methodDisableWindow
Disables keyboard and mouse input to a window. If the window contains text (for example, a push button), the text is grayed. If the window is a data field, it cannot receive the focus.
Protected methodDispose
Public methodDrawMenuBar
Redraws the menu bar for a given form window or top-level table window.
Public methodEnableWindow
Enables keyboard and mouse input to a window.
Public methodEndDialog
Destroys a modal dialog box and returns control to the caller of SalModalDialog.
Public methodFindChild
This function finds a child window of a given name in the specified window.
Public methodFormUnitsToPixels
Computes the number of pixels in the number of form units. Form units are a unit of measurement used by functions which move and position objects. Form units are computed using physical units (pixels) in conjunction with the window's font size.
Public methodGetClassName
Return the name of a window's class as a string.
Public methodGetControlType
Returns an object's type.
Public methodGetDefaultButton
Returns the handle of the default push button on a form window or dialog box. The default push button is the one that has the focus by default.
Public methodGetFirstChild
Returns the handle of the first child window of the specified type. You can use this function to get the handles of MDI child windows.
Public methodGetFont
Gets a window's font name, size, and enhancements.
Public methodGetLocation
Returns a window's current position on the X and Y axes.
Public methodGetName()()()()
Gets the name of an object.
Public methodGetName(SalString%)
Gets the name of an object.
Public methodGetNextChild
Returns the handle of the next child window that matches a specified type.
Public methodGetParent
Returns the handle of an object's parent window.
Public methodGetProperty(SalString)
Gets the value of a named property.
Public methodGetProperty(SalString, SalString%)
Gets the value of a named property.
Public methodGetSize
Returns a window's size.
Public methodGetStatusBarText(SalNumber)
Gets the text displayed in the status bar of a top-level or MDI window.
Public methodGetStatusBarText(SalString%, SalNumber)
Gets the text displayed in the status bar of a top-level or MDI window.
Public methodGetText(SalNumber)
Retrieves the text of a window.
Public methodGetText(SalString%, SalNumber)
Retrieves the text of a window.
Public methodGetWindowColor
Gets a window's color.
Public methodGetWindowState
Returns a window's current state.
Public methodHideWindow
Hides a window.
Public methodInvalidateWindow
Causes a window to be repainted.
Public methodIsDerivedFromClass
Determines whether a window is an instance of the specified class.
Public methodIsEnabled
Determines whether a window is enabled for mouse and keyboard input.
Public methodIsVisible
Determines whether a window is currently visible.
Public methodKillTimer
Destroys an object's system timer.
Public methodMoveWindow
Moves a window a given number of form units on the X and Y axes relative to its current position.
Protected methodOnActivated (Overrides Form..::..OnActivated(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnDeactivate (Overrides Form..::..OnDeactivate(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnFontChanged
Resets the scaling factor when the font changes.
(Overrides Form..::..OnFontChanged(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnHandleCreated (Overrides Form..::..OnHandleCreated(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnHandleDestroyed (Overrides Form..::..OnHandleDestroyed(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnMdiChildActivate (Overrides Form..::..OnMdiChildActivate(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnMenuComplete (Overrides Form..::..OnMenuComplete(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnMouseDown
Attempts to automatically initiate drag mode if the control responds to SAM_DragCanAutoStart.
(Overrides Control..::..OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs).)
Protected methodOnPaintBackground
Fires the internal PaintBackground event. This allows the handler component to take over the background painting of the form. This is primarily used to allow the SalQuickTabs control to paint transparent backgrounds.
(Overrides ScrollableControl..::..OnPaintBackground(PaintEventArgs).)
Public methodPixelsToFormUnits
Computes the number of form units based on the number of pixels. Form units are a unit of measurement used by functions that move and position objects. Form units are computed using physical units (pixels) in conjunction with a window's font sizes.
Public methodPostMessage
Posts the specified message to a window by adding nMsg to hWndReceiver's message queue.
Protected methodProcessCmdKey
Process command keys.
(Overrides Form..::..ProcessCmdKey(Message%, Keys).)
Protected methodProcessDialogKey
Processes dialog keys. This override takes care of: - converting Enter to Tab - selecting radio buttons in the same group index on arrows - processing default button, hidden or in child forms - processing accelerators
(Overrides Form..::..ProcessDialogKey(Keys).)
Protected methodProcessTabKey
Selects the next control in the tab order.
(Overrides Form..::..ProcessTabKey(Boolean).)
Protected methodScale
Scales the form and all child controls.
Protected methodScaleCore
Disables .NET 1.1 scaling.
(Overrides Form..::..ScaleCore(Single, Single).)
Protected methodSelect
Selects the next control in the tab order.
(Overrides Form..::..Select(Boolean, Boolean).)
Public methodSendMessage
Sends the specified message to a window. SalSendMsg does not return until the processing for the message is complete.
Public methodSendMessageToChildren
Sends a message to all child items of a form window, dialog box, table window, or MDI window.
Public methodSetContextMenu(Type, SalNumber)
Defines a named popup menu that displays automatically when a window receives SAM_ContextMenu.
Public methodSetContextMenu(SalString, SalNumber)
Defines a named popup menu that displays automatically when a window receives SAM_ContextMenu.
Public methodSetCursor(Int32, SalNumber)
Sets a window's cursor.
Public methodSetCursor(SalResourceCursor, SalNumber)
Sets a window's cursor.
Public methodSetCursor(SalString, SalNumber)
Sets a window's cursor from a string variable.
Public methodSetCursorFile
Sets an application-defined cursor for the specified window. Use this function to set the cursor from an image stored in a file.
Public methodSetFocus
Sets the focus to a specified window.
Public methodSetFont
Sets a window's font, font size, and font enhancements.
Public methodSetLocation
Moves a window to a new position (x, y) on the X and Y axes.
Public methodSetProperty
Sets the value of a named property.
Public methodSetSize
Resizes a window.
Public methodSetStatusBarText
Displays specified text in the status bar of a top-level or MDI window.
Public methodSetText
Sets the text of a window.
Public methodSetTimer
Creates a system timer for a given object. When a timer event occurs, sends SAM_Timer messages to the object in specified intervals. Timers are a limited global resource. Your application must check the value returned by SalTimerSet to verify that the timer was created.
Public methodSetWindowColor
Sets a window's color.
Protected methodSetVisibleCore
Overrides the default behavior to avoid the re-creation of the underlying window handle when the form is an MDI child.
(Overrides Form..::..SetVisibleCore(Boolean).)
Public methodShow
Shows the form.
Public methodShowAsChild(Control, Rectangle, Boolean)
Shows the form as child control.
Public methodShowAsChild(Control, RectangleF, Boolean)
Shows the form as child control.
Public methodShowDialog
Shows the modal dialog.
Public methodShowStatusBar
Shows or hides the status bar on a top-level or MDI window.
Public methodShowToolBar
Shows or hides the tool bar on a top-level or MDI window.
Public methodShowWindow
Makes a window visible.
Public methodTrackPopupMenu(Type, SalNumber, SalNumber, SalNumber)
Creates pop-up menus at runtime.
Public methodTrackPopupMenu(SalString, SalNumber, SalNumber, SalNumber)
Creates pop-up menus at runtime.
Public methodUpdateWindow
Forces the update of a window.
Public methodWinHelp
Starts the Windows help system.
Protected methodWndProc
Window procedure dispatcher.
(Overrides Form..::..WndProc(Message%).)
Public methodYield
Processes messages for this control.

See Also