The SalTableWindowBase type exposes the following members.


Protected methodCanEditCell
Returns true if the specific cell can be edited.
Protected methodCanMoveCell
Returns true if the current cell can be changed.
Protected methodClearSelectedColumns
Unselects all selected columns.
Protected methodClearSelectedRows
Unselects all selected rows from both grids.
Protected methodClearUnusedStyles
Frees unused styles.
Protected methodCreateHandle (Overrides Control..::..CreateHandle()()()().)
Protected methodCreateSplitGrid
Creates the splitter and split grid, syncronizes the columns and attaches all the events necessary to manager the split grid.
Protected methodDestroySplitGrid
Destroyes the split grid and the splitter control.
Protected methodDispose (Overrides ContainerControl..::..Dispose(Boolean).)
Protected methodFinishEditing
Public methodGetCellStyle
Returns the CellStyle object for the specified cell.
Public methodGetCellStyleNew
Returns or creates the CellStyle object for the specified cell. The CellStyle is guaranteed not to be one of the cached CellStyle instances.
Public methodGetColHeaderStyle
Returns the CellStyle object for the fixed cells in the specified column.
Public methodGetColHeaderStyleNew
Returns or creates the CellStyle object for the fixed cells in the specified column.
Protected methodGetCols
Returns the column collection from the grid. This is a safe call and throws an exception if the grid has been disposed. Otherwide the grid throws a generic NullReferenceException.
Public methodGetColStyle
Returns the CellStyle object for the specified column.
Public methodGetColStyleNew
Returns or creates the CellStyle object for the specified column.
Protected methodGetContextRowFromCode
Translates row codes (TBL_MinRow, TBL_MaxRow, etc) to a valid context row.
Public methodGetRowHeaderStyle
Returns the CellStyle for the fixed cells for the specified row.
Public methodGetRowHeaderStyleNew
Returns or creates the CellStyle for the fixed cells for the specified row.
Protected methodGetRows
Returns the row collection from the grid. This is a safe call and throws an exception if the grid has been disposed. Otherwide the grid throws a generic NullReferenceException.
Public methodGetRowStyle
Returns the CellStyle object for the specified row.
Public methodGetRowStyleNew
Returns or creates the CellStyle object for the specified row.
Protected methodIsOnColumnMoveArea
Returns true if the hittest result is on the column header area used to move the column.
Protected methodIsValidCol
Returns true if the col is valid in the current grid.
Protected methodIsValidContextRow
Returns true if the context row is a valid row.
Protected methodIsValidRow
Returns true if the row is valid in the current grid.
Protected methodOnAfterDragColumn
Protected methodOnAfterEdit
Protected methodOnAfterResizeColumn
Protected methodOnAfterResizeRow
Protected methodOnAfterRowColChange
Protected methodOnAfterScroll
Protected methodOnBackColorChanged (Overrides Control..::..OnBackColorChanged(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnBeforeMouseDown
Process OnMouseDown before it reaches the inner grid to: - suppress toggling of check boxes on mouse down - select the entire row when clicking on row header - select the column when clicking on the column header - select multiple rows if control or shift is down - prevent moving the focus cell if not validated
Protected methodOnBeforeRowColChange
Protected methodOnBeforeSort
Protected methodOnButtonClick
Protected methodOnCausesValidationChanged (Overrides Control..::..OnCausesValidationChanged(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnChangeEdit
Protected methodOnChildEditWndProc
Receives all windows messages from the cell editor control before they are processed by the control's WndProc. Returns true to indicate that the message has been handled and the control's WndProc should not process it.
Protected methodOnChildGridWndProc
Receives all the Windows messages from the inner flexgrid control before they are processed by the grids WndProc. All the messages are dispatched to the MessageActions handler. This function returns true if the message is processed and should not be dispatched to the default window procedure.
Protected methodOnComboCloseUp
Protected methodOnComboDropDown
Protected methodOnControlAdded (Overrides Control..::..OnControlAdded(ControlEventArgs).)
Protected methodOnControlRemoved (Overrides Control..::..OnControlRemoved(ControlEventArgs).)
Protected methodOnDrawCell
Protected methodOnEnabledChanged (Overrides Control..::..OnEnabledChanged(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnEnter
Protected methodOnEnterCell
Protected methodOnFontChanged (Overrides ContainerControl..::..OnFontChanged(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnForeColorChanged (Overrides Control..::..OnForeColorChanged(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnGotFocus
Protected methodOnHandleCreated (Overrides Control..::..OnHandleCreated(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnKeyDownEdit
Protected methodOnKeyPressEdit
Protected methodOnKeyUpEdit
Protected methodOnLeaveCell
Protected methodOnLeaveEdit
Protected methodOnLoad (Overrides UserControl..::..OnLoad(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnLostFocus
Protected methodOnMouseDown
Protected methodOnMouseMove
Show the column-move cursor when the mouse moves close to the bottom edge of the column header
Protected methodOnMouseUp
Toggle CheckBox columns on mouse up, like in CTD.
Protected methodOnParentEnabledChanged (Overrides Control..::..OnParentEnabledChanged(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnResize(EventArgs) (Overrides UserControl..::..OnResize(EventArgs).)
Protected methodOnResize(C1FlexGrid, EventArgs)
Protected methodOnRowChangeValidate
Protected methodOnSetupEditor
Protected methodOnStartEdit
Protected methodOnValidateEdit
Protected methodProcessCmdKey
Process command keys.
(Overrides ContainerControl..::..ProcessCmdKey(Message%, Keys).)
Protected methodSelectFullRow
Highlights the entire row.
Protected methodSetContextRow
Sets the table window's context row.
Protected methodSetFocusCellStyle
Alters the look of the focused cell. When the cell is not editable it is shown with a solid border.
Protected methodTestRowFlags
Returns true if the row flags match the on|off masks.
Protected methodTestRowHeaderFlags
Returns true if the specified row header flags are all set.
Protected methodTestTableFlags
Returns true if the specified table flags are all set.
Public methodTranslateRowContext
Translates the context row number to a row index and grid control.
Protected methodUpdateRowsHeight
Updates the height all the rows.

See Also