The SalForm type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAutoScaleBaseDpi
Returns/Sets the DPI used to design this form. This is the base DPI scale and it will be used to scale the form.
Protected propertyCreateParams
Overrides the CreateParams property to ensure that the correct Windows style is used when the form is a child form and the border is the FixedSingle border.
(Overrides Form..::..CreateParams.)
Public propertyDesignTimeClientRectangle
Gets the designtime client rectrangle
Public propertyDesignTimeFont Obsolete.
Public propertyDesignTimeSize
Public propertyIconName
Icon name. The image is loaded from the embedded resources.
Public propertyNamedProperties
Returns the collection of named properties.
Public propertyUseIFSThemeing
Gets or sets a value indication whether this window and it's child controls should be themed and custom painted or not. Note: Themeing of child controls is not controlled by this class, it simply provides information that child controls are expected to use in determining whether to theme themselves or not.

See Also