The SalMultilineField type exposes the following members.


Public propertyBackColor
Overrides the BackColor property to be able to install our ShouldSerializeBackColor() function.
(Overrides TextBoxBase..::..BackColor.)
Protected propertyCreateParams
#BugFix for .NET 1.1 and 2.0 Overrides the CreateParams property to turn off the ES_AUTOVSCROLL flag for multiline fields without scroll bars.
(Overrides TextBox..::..CreateParams.)
Public propertyDesigntimeVisible
Returns true if the object was designed as visible.
Public propertyLabel
Returns/Sets the label associated with this control.
Public propertyNamedProperties
Returns the collection of named properties.
Public propertyText
Returns/Sets the text of the multiline field.
(Overrides TextBox..::..Text.)

See Also