The SalWindow type exposes the following members.


Public propertyStatic memberDesignMode
Returns/Sets the DesignMode flag.
Public propertyStatic memberDisableMessages
Enables/Disables the dispatching of Windows messages to the SAL MessageActions handler. This is used to suppress message dispatching when there is a potential recursive loop that will cause a stack overflow. For example, when setting the cursor .NET causes the WM_SETCURSOR message to be sent which might cause stack overflow if the function was originally called in response to WM_SETCURSOR.
Public propertyStatic memberDragLocation
Returns the location of the mouse, in client's coordinates, when the drag-drop mode was initiated.
Public propertyStatic memberDragSource
Returns the source control for the drag-drop operations.
Public propertyStatic memberDropDisabled
Enables/Disables drag-drop operations.
Public propertyStatic memberDropLocation
Returns the location of the mouse (in client's coordinates), when the mouse was released the drag-drop operation terminated.
Public propertyStatic memberDropTarget
Returns the drop target control.
Public propertyStatic memberForceSynchronousMode
Static member used to force the application using synchronous server calls. Controls like the VisSpinField, having a timer that pumps messages into the message loop, can make the application to hang if a ongoing asynchronous call is currently being executed. To fix that, all server calls can during that period be forced to be run synchronously by setting this member to true.
Public propertyStatic memberKeepMask
Enables/Disables keeping the mask when reading the text from a masked edit control.
Public propertyStatic memberMapEnterToTab
Enables/Disables the mapping of the enter key to the tab key.
Public propertyNamedProperties
Returns the collection of named properties.
Public propertyStatic memberProfessionalColors
Returns the shared instance of the ProfesisonalColors table. This is used by components that want to use colors similar to WinForms toolstrip controls.

See Also