PROCEDURE Check_Common___ (
   oldrec_ IN     client_information_tab%ROWTYPE,
   newrec_ IN OUT client_information_tab%ROWTYPE,
   indrec_ IN OUT Indicator_Rec,
   attr_   IN OUT VARCHAR2 )
   unit_type_  ISO_UNIT_DEF.unit_type%TYPE;
   super(oldrec_, newrec_, indrec_, attr_);
   unit_type_ := Iso_Unit_Type_API.Encode(Get_Unit_Type(newrec_.base_unit));
   IF (nvl(unit_type_, newrec_.unit_type) <> newrec_.unit_type) THEN
      newrec_.unit_type := unit_type_;
      Client_SYS.Add_To_Attr('UNIT_TYPE', unit_type_, attr_);
      Client_SYS.Add_Info(lu_name_, 'DERIVED_UNIT_TYPE: Unit type has been set to :P1. Derived from the base unit.', unit_type_);
   END IF;
   IF newrec_.status = 'INVALID' THEN
      Client_SYS.Add_Warning(lu_name_, 'INVALID_STATUS: Project activity :P1 is not valid. Do you want to continue?', newrec_.activity_name);
   END IF;
END Check_Common___;