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Topic Environment

Ordering a Topic Environment

To order a topic environment, create a topic branch in the repository and click on the Order Environment button in the Build Place.

Figure 1.1 - Ordering an Environment

Select appropriate values from the drop-down lists in the Order Environment Panel.

Figure 1.2 - Order Environment Panel

Click on the Order button.

Note: The following error message will be visible when requesting a topic environment in case there are no modifications within the chosen topic branch. To resolve the issue, make the necessary changes required for testing in a topic environment within the topic branch. Afterward, push these changes to the topic branch you created in the remote repository before ordering the environment.

Figure 1.3 - No New Commits Error

Once a request for a new environment is successfully sent, the status of the provisioning environment is changed to Pending. The status will be updated to Running or Failed at the end of the environment creation process.

Figure 1.4 - Topic Environment in Pending Status

The Topic environment is initialized with the most recently approved data sourced from a Quality Assurance (QA) Environment. Additional data may be incorporated into the Topic environment post-provisioning for purposes such as testing or development. It is important to acknowledge that any such data will not be preserved and will be lost upon deletion or expiration of the Topic Environment unless data has been approved through a QA process in a QA Environment.

Note: Once the Test Data Management is enabled in a Build Place, Topic Environments will no longer get provisioned with basic R&D data.