Configure Connection Pool for PL/SQL Access

This is where you configure the properties of the connection pool for PL/SQL Access.

This type of connection pool is used by interactive clients when accessing database business logic directly. This includes Application Forms in IFS Enterprise Explorer.

Read more about the Connection Pool for PL/SQL Access.

Connection Pool Configuration for PL/SQL Access


  1. Set values for the properties. The available properties are:
    Session Properties
    Maximum Number of Connections Max Number of Connections The maximum number of concurrently active database connections.
    Cursor Timeout The time in seconds until an idle cursor is automatically closed.
    Transaction Wait Timeout This is the time in seconds until a transaction in an idle database connection is rolled back.
    Statement Execution Timeout The default database statement execution timeout in seconds to use for proxy sessions.
  2. Click Next


Note: If you are setting up a separate Integration Server or an External Report Formatter, this pool of connections is not used. You can safely set Max Number of Connections to a small number.