Configuration Extractor

IFS Update Analyzer is a tool to identify areas where customizations and configurations may have to be modified when applying an Update to IFS Applications.
The Configuration Extractor window is used to extract the configurations from an installation to be analyzed by the Update Analyzer to find potential issues that needs to be handled when taking a new update.

The configuration Extractor requires Rowkey to be enabled on the related Logical Units which store information on the configuration. If this is missing, errors will be thrown. See Supported Configurations for the logical unit names


Window Descriptions

The configurations can be extracted using Configuration Extractor window which is located in Solution Manger/System Information and Utilities and also in Solution Manager/User Interface/Custom Objects.

Select the location where the files should be extracted to, using the "..." button or directly click the Extract button and select location in the dialog. The Abort button can be used to abort the configuration extraction.

Note: Extracting to a location which already contains extracted files will cause those files to be overwritten.

Once extracting configurations is completed, a message is shown with the option to open up the file location for the extracted files.

These extracted files can be used in Update Analyzer tool.

Handling Errors

If there is an error reported, it is most probably caused by the configuration been incorrectly configured. Check the status of the configuration, if it is working properly and if it should be part of the analyze.

Supported Configurations

The following configurations are currently supported. The file naming convention can be used to find the configuration which the file is related to. Configuration Storage states the LU which stores configuration information. These LUs must have Rowkey enabled on them for Extract operation to work

Configuration Type Extraction Folder File Naming Convention Configuration Storage (LU)
Custom Fields* CustomFields CustomField-[LU_NAME].sql CustomFields
Custom Logical Units* CustomLogicalUnits CustomLu-[LU_NAME].sql CustomLus
Information Cards* InformationCards InformationCard-[LU_NAME].sql CustomInfoCards
Conditional Field Actions* ConditionalFieldActions ConditionalFieldAction-[ACTION_ID]-[Name].xml ConditionalFieldAction
Custom Tabs* CustomTabs CustomTab-[CONTAINER_NAME]-[ATTACHED_PAGE]-[TITLE].xml CustomTab
Custom Menus CustomMenus CustomMenu-[MENU_ID]-[ATTACHED_WINDOW].xml CustomMenu
Custom Events CustomEvents CustomEvent-[LU_NAME]-[EVENT_ID].xml FndEvent
Custom Event Actions CustomEvents CustomEventAction-[LU_NAME]-[EVENT_ID]-[ACTION_NO].xml FndEventAction
SQL Quick Reports QuickReports SQLQuickReport-[DESCRIPTION]-[QUICK_REPORT_PO_ID].sql QuickReport
Query Builder Quick Reports QuickReports QueryBuilderQuickReport-[DESCRIPTION]-[QUICK_REPORT_PO_ID].sql QuickReport
Report Rules ReportRules ReportRule-[RULE_ID]-[DESCRIPTION].sql ReportRuleDefinition
Lobby Data Sources LobbyDatasources LobbyDatasource-[DATASOURCE_NAME]-[DATASOURCE_ID].xml CompositePageDataSource
History Log HistoryLogs HistoryLog-[TABLE_NAME].xml HistorySetting

* = Requires FNDCOB component

Note: The extracted files should not be used for as a mechanism for importing these configurations.