Issue State Saving

State saving feature was introduced in the Configuration Analyzer to save states of each individual hit in each issue in each file, thereby marking if it (each hit) is safe to ignore or has it been fixed or not and consequently updating the Impact level of the connected interface issue. If all interface issues in a file were updated like wise, the overall impact of the file could also change too. The purpose of this feature is to make a user get a clear idea of which problems do/ do not need their attention, straight away just by glancing at the screen.
State saving feature has three(3) states for a hit.

  1. NOT_FIXED - The default state. All hits are in this state after a fresh analysis. The impact levels in this state could be Unknown, Low or High.
  2. SAFE - This hit can be safely considered as having no impact.
  3. FIXED - This hit was problematic before but now it has been corrected elsewhere and no longer is a problem.

Two new levels of Impacts have also been introduced.

  1. SAFE - If all hits/ issues in a file have been marked as SAFE, then the Impact level of that issue/ file becomes SAFE.
  2. FIXED - If all hits/ issues in a file have been marked as FIXED OR, if some of hits/ issues have been marked as FIXED while others have been marked as SAFE, Impact level is set to FIXED.

To determine which Impact level the Issue should be in, a concept called The Most Problematic State is used. In an issue, the highest problematic state a hit can be in is NOT_FIXED, i.e. there is a problem and it needs to be fixed. Next problematic state is FIXED, i.e. there was a problem and it was fixed. The least problematic state is SAFE, i.e. there is no problem. So, when assigning an impact to an Interface issue if there is any NOT_FIXED hit, the Impact of the issue will be left as it was. If all hits are marked as FIXED or SAFE, the impact level will be set to FIXED or SAFE accordingly. However, whenever there is a mix of states, out of all the states, the most problematic state will be used to set the impact.

If there is a mix of FIXED, SAFE hits in an issue, the overall impact of the issue will be FIXED.
If there is at least one NOT_FIXED hit, the impact will be the one of the NOT_FIXED (i.e. High, Low, Unknown) states.

The overall Interface Impact of a file is determined the same way. If all issues in a file are marked as SAFE or FIXED, the file Impact level will be set to SAFE or FIXED accordingly. But if the issues in the file have different levels of Impact, the most problematic state will be used to determine the level of Impact of the file.

Here is an example on state saving.

  1. First open up the Interface Issue Viewer after a normal load and analysis.
  2. Then select an issue which you want to save the states of. Go through each hit and mark its state. The state could be marked by clicking on the radio buttons on the top next to up/ down buttons OR by right clicking on a hit. The highlighting color on the text changes when the state is changed.
  3. Mark all hits of each issue as required. When at least one hit is still in NOT_FIXED state, the issue also is in NOT_FIXED state (hence the original Impact remains)
  4. When all hits are set to FIXED, the issue Impact also changes to FIXED.
  5. Set the states on other issues in the file as required.
  6. Then the overall Impact on the file is set to FIXED.