Cancel Shop Order


Use this activity to cancel a shop order. I.e. change the status of the shop order to Cancelled and make it unavailable for further processing.



This activity requires the existence of a shop order in the Planned, Released, or Reserved status.

If a shop order is manually pegged against a customer order line, purchase order line or a shop order, then the pegging has to be removed first.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the system cancels each selected shop order. When this happens, all reservations and operation scheduling linked to that shop order are also canceled. This means that the capacity and material reserved for the shop order becomes available for other shop orders. The shop order will be saved with the cancelled status, also the material and operation lines will get the cancelled status. If the operation was connected to an operation block, the operation will be disconnected from the block.

If a MRO shop order is canceled, it is not possible to create a new order.

If the shop order is connected to a batch balance, the connected node will be connected to the shop order requisition from which it was created instead.