Edit Clocking Shop Floor Workbench Shop Floor Clockings Authorize Manufacturing Time of Employee Time Authorization My Time Card Time Registration Reschedule Shop Orders by Work Center Reschedule Shop Orders by Work Center Edit Operation Result Work Center Operations Reporting Shop Order Operations Reporting Shop Floor Reports Shop Floor Workbench Time Card Time Card - Details New Machine Downtime Result Shop Floor Workbench Shop Floor Reports Cancel Clocking Shop Floor Workbench Shop Floor Clockings Time Card Time Card - Details New Machine Downtime Clocking Shop Floor Workbench Shop Floor Clockings Cancel Operation Result Shop Floor Workbench Shop Floor Reports My Time Card Work Center Operations Reporting Shop Order Operations Reporting Time Card Time Card - Details Park Shop Order Production Line Management Shop Orders Disposition Shop Order Shop Order Visual Shop Orders Planning Visual Capacity Requirements Planning Visual Shop Order Operations Planning Shop Floor Workbench Mass Delete Shop Order Requisitions Mass Delete Shop Order Requisitions Report Scrap Shop Floor Reports Work Center Operations Reporting Shop Order Operations Reporting Shop Floor Workbench Time Clock New Labor Clocking Shop Floor Workbench Shop Floor Clockings Time Card Time Card - Details New Indirect Time Result Shop Floor Workbench Shop Floor Reports Time Card - Details Time Card Cancel Machine Downtime Result Shop Floor Workbench Shop Floor Reports Cancel Indirect Time Result Shop Floor Reports Shop Floor Workbench Time Card Time Card - Details Calculate and Cascade Weighted Average Actual Cost Shop Order Calculate and Cascade Weighted Average Actual Cost Cancel Shop Order Production Line Management Shop Order Shop Orders Disposition Shop Order New Machine Clocking Shop Floor Workbench Shop Floor Clockings Unpark Shop Order Production Line Management Disposition Shop Order Shop Orders Shop Order Visual Shop Orders Planning Visual Shop Order Operations Planning Visual Capacity Requirements Planning Update Park Information Shop Order Production Line Management Disposition Shop Order Shop Orders Reschedule Shop Orders by Site Reschedule Shop Orders by Site Close Shop Order Production Line Management Shop Orders Disposition Shop Order Shop Order Reschedule All Past Due Shop Orders Reschedule All Past Due Shop Orders New Interruption Clocking Shop Floor Workbench Shop Floor Clockings Open Shop Order Production Line Management Shop Orders Shop Order Disposition Shop Order Report Shop Order Operation Shop Floor Reports Shop Floor Workbench Work Center Operations Reporting Shop Order Operations Reporting Time Card Time Card - Details Transfer Machine, Labor and Indirect Transactions Transfer Processing Transactions New Indirect Labor Clocking Shop Floor Workbench Shop Floor Clockings Time Card - Details Time Card Calculate Order Estimated Cost Shop Order Mass Delete Closed Shop Orders and Clockings Mass Delete Shop Orders and Clockings Enter Job Hours and Time and Attendance Information Time Registration