Report Shop Order Operation


You can report the time and quantity for a shop order operation. It can be the time needed to set up an operation before manufacturing begins or the time of the actual manufacturing. The status of operations changes as you report them. This lets you report as many or as few steps as you desire, depending on the degree of detail planned in operation reporting. You can report more manufacturing or setup time than the default value.

If the operation is connected to a component line and that component line is not issued prior to reporting the operations, it will be issued using the backflush feature. If any of the components issued by the backflush feature is catch unit enabled, this activity can be performed only if theĀ full quantity in the inventory part location is issued. If only a part of the quantity in an inventory location is issued, you will have to manually issue the components before reporting the operation.

This activity contains a security checkpoint which can be activated by an administrator. With an activated security checkpoint on a function you will have to authenticate yourself again in order to fulfill the function. Additionally, whenever a security checkpoint is successfully passed a security checkpoint log is written, creating an audit trail of what is done.

To report a shop order operation:


System Effects