Intraday Planning

IFS Intraday Planning concept allows you to plan manufacturing on the same day as required by a demand. It also allows you to analyze and make adjustments of supplies and demands within the day down to minute level.

Plan Manufacturing Supply on Due Date setting

The Plan Manufacturing Supply on Due Date setting on Inventory Part/Manufacturing tab controls whether manufacturing supply for the part should be planned to be received to stock the workday before the demand, or on the same day as the demand.

Lead Times

For a part with Plan Manufacturing Supply on Due Date enabled, the manufacturing lead time for the part will be rounded down instead of up. I.e. if the lead time for a part is 1 hour, the manufacturing lead time will be set to 0 with this setting enabled, else it will be set to 1.

Master Scheduling, MRP, Capability Check and DOP

Planning engines such as master scheduling, MRP, capability check and DOP will plan the supply for a part with Plan Manufacturing Supply on Due Date enabled on the same date as the due date of the demand. Practically this means lead time will be compressed with one day relative parts with this setting disabled.

When a part with this setting enabled is master scheduled, the demand and planning time fences are shifted one day earlier. I.e. if you have 0 as demand time fence, current day is considered outside the demand time fence with this setting enabled and within the demand time fence with this setting disabled.

Delivery Route

Using the delivery route you can define a Due Time for Delivery. I.e. the time within the due date when a customer order line using this route should be available for reservation in stock. This is the date and time the manufacturing of this product must meet.

It is also possible to define a Receipt Time for Arrival. This is the time of the receipt date a purchase order line using this route is expected to be received into stock. This is the earliest date and time a manufacturing demand can plan to use this supply.

Shop Order

The supply of a shop order with Plan Manufacturing Supply on Due Date enabled is considered available in stock the same day as it is finished.

This setting also allows you to specify a need date or earliest start date with time on the shop order. By default a shop order created from a shop order requisition, DOP order or similar is created with a need date time that equals the last working time on that day according to the manufacturing calendar used on the site. I.e. it will be scheduled to finish as late as possible on the due date it is required by the demand.

The need date time for a shop order created from a customer order line with Supply Code = Shop Order is set equal to the due date and time for that customer order line. If this date/time is not within the manufacturing calendar, the date/time is set to the previous working day/time.

Inventory Parts Intraday Availability

The Inventory Parts Intraday Availability page can be used to analyze the short term supply and demand situation considering also the timings within the day down to minute level for inventory parts. You can also adjust the quantities and timings to ensure an aligned quantity balance and scheduling within the day. Note that this page does not support planning of project connected supplies and demands. See activity Analyze Intraday Supply and Demand Information for details.

Workflow Example

After performing planning on a day level through planning engines and mechanisms such as MS, MRP and DOP and creating required orders it is time to continue with planning on a minute level for intraday planned parts. Shop orders that have been created from e.g. shop order requisitions and DOP orders will automatically be scheduled to finish as late as possible on their due dates. As previously described, they will initially have a need date time equal to the last working time on that day according to the manufacturing calendar used on the site. To be able to supply a demand within the same day, like a shop order for a part on a lower level in the BOM structure, they need to be planned on a minute level. That can be done from the Inventory Parts Intraday Availability page.

Start with applying appropriate parameters on the page to set a limited time horizon and how the balance calculation should be controlled. Then perform the three steps that are listed below for the parts at the lowest level in the BOM structures. These lines have Low Level set to 0.

  1. Automatically adjust the need dates with times of the shop orders for the parts at the level so they meet the demands by using the Adjust Shop Orders Need Date to Demand activity.
  2. Investigate and solve negative quantity projections for the parts at the level. In case a negative quantity projection exists, the Negative Projected Qty field is set to Yes for the corresponding line. You can expand the line to view detailed information about the supply/demand development and execute appropriate shop order adjustments. See activities Adjust Shop Order Need Date to Demand, Adjust Shop Order Lot Size to Demand, Change Shop Order Earliest Start or Need Date and Change Shop Order Lot Size for details.
  3. Sequence/schedule shop order operations for the parts at the level to avoid overlaps and to optimize the order by minimizing setup using the visual planning pages which are accessible through the Visual Shop Orders Planning and Visual Shop Order Operations commands.

Then repeat the same steps for the parts at the next level in the BOM structures and proceed until all levels have been reviewed. When minute level planning is done, the reviewed orders can be released.

The complete workflow is visualised in the flow chart below.