Demand Plan Server Dashboard

[To Demand Planning]


Use this screen to look at the errors and jobs associated with the demand plan server.

Starting the Server

Staring a Demand Plan Server session, is done by connecting a Demand Plan Server Setup to an empty Demand Plan Server session. This is done from /Supply Chain/Demand Planning/Basic Data/Demand Plan Server through the Connect Host button. When pushed you will be displayed any empty Demand Plan Server sessions (there is only one DPS session per IFS instance), just mark the free DPS session and push connect the Demand Plan Server will then start up using the definitions and parameters from the selected Demand Plan Server setup.

Server Info

Shows the status of the DP Server with a badge, Running (green) means that the DP Server is ready for forecast work, a working(yellow) badge means that the DP Server is occupied running a job and will not be servicing any client requests. A error(red) badge means that an serious error has occurred and the DP Server is not able to continue. You can also see the host machine running the DP Server and the communication port.

Job Progress

Shows the current job being preformed by the DP Server and its progress.

IPR(Inventory Planning and Replenishment) Progress

Shows the status of the IPR calculation engine and its progress.

NOTE: IPR is only available if you have bought the IPR (INVPLA) component from IFS it is NOT part of the Demand Planning (DEMAND) component. See here for a detailed description of the IPR Calculation Models.


When the Demand Plan Server Write-back engine is running, Demand Plan Sever is working on updating the forecast or IPR Results.

Write-back Records

Shows how many records that are waiting in line to be written back to the database by the write-back engine. There are 2 types of queues on prioritized records this are Adjusted Forecasts and IPR results. Standard Records are all other data, like historical records, seasonal profiles....

Server Log:

The server log also shows the different jobs that has been preformed and the time it took to ran it. With a job start log entry and a job finished entry, any errors in between the start and finish indicates that the error happened during the job execution.

The error messages have this layout:

General errors is just typed out like "Can't read language file '<PATH and file name>', using system language"

flow_id - part_no - Description: <Error message>

flow_id - G1 - G2 - G3 - G4 - G5 - G6 : <Error message>

The upper message is an error on a part, and the lower message is an error on a group level. You can also define which type of error messages that should be logged in 3 steps from all messages logged to Moderate and severe messages logged to only severe messages logged. see LogLevel in Advance Server Settings for details.

Configuring the server:

The server can be configured by changing Advance Server Settings parameters, see Advance Server Settings for details about this.

Activity Diagrams



Exceute Job

Qualify Parts Opens the Qualify Input dialog, which is used to qualify and disqualify parts as forecast parts.
Aggregate Daily Aggregates historical demand from the start of the current period to the current day.
Create Forecast First, aggregates historical demand from the newest historical demand period to the current period - 1. Then it generates the forecast for the current period and the specified number of forecast periods into the future. See Demand Plan Server Setup/General.
Lock/Unlock Server Turns server locking on and off. If the lock is on, clients cannot change forecasts.
Complete Refresh DP Data Will refresh ALL data in demand planning with the database. This also reads changes done to Budget or Target Sales Plan lines, in short reads all DP data from the database. Only Possible when DP is enabled.
External Export Starts the Preform External Export procedure in FORECAST_CUSTOM_UTIL_API.Preform_External_Export. In this function you place the code that you want to be executed when this job is ran.
External Import Starts the job that reads data from the FORECAST_DAY_IMPORT LU. See Importing data. There is also a Preform External Import function in the FORECAST_CUSTOM_UTIL_API.Preform_External_Import that can be used for custom code with the External Import job.
Recalculate Historical Forecast Runs a job that recalculates the historical forecast with the current selected forecast model and season profiles. This is used during implementation after the forecast parts have been assigned their models and profiles. It sets more accurate forecast error measures for the parts.
Delete Unused season profiles This job deletes all unused season profiles form the library.
Set Budget base Sets the budget equal to the system forecast for all parts on the base flows. This will give a good budget on each individual part when entering the budget on an aggregated level. Note that the only level where a 1005 accurate budget revision can occur is the level where you enter it. But the budget on each part will be the best approximation for a part by part budget.
Set Target Sales Plan base Sets the target sales plan equal to the system forecast for all parts on the base flows. This will give a good target sales plan on each individual part when entering the target sales plan on an aggregated level. Note that the only level where follow up on target sales plan can occur 100% accurate is the level where you enter it. But the target sales plan on each part will be the best approximation for a part by part target sales plan.
Complete Writeback to Database Writes back the total contents of the Server back to the data base no matter if the records is changed (dirty) or not. So every thing in the server is written to the data base.
Shutdown Closes down the Demand Plan Server service, if it is configured to auto start on the host computer it will restart after a few minutes and start loading in the same Demand Plan Server id. If the service is not configured to auto start the DP server will need to be started manually
Turn On/Off IPR Simulation Mode Toggles on/off the IPR simulation mode, the normal setting is off, when IPR simulation mode is on, no IPR results will be updated in the database the only place to examine the IPR results (with IPR Simulation mode on) will be in the IPR Excel Sheet
Retry Retries the last failed DP Server action, typically reconnection to the database.