Record Work
You can record work to capture the work completed or partially
on a task or fault. You can record work to register the:
- Actions taken
- At minimum, one corrective action must be recorded for a task or fault to complete
the task or close the fault.
- Part removals
- Part installations
- Tools used
- Measurements taken
- Distance measurement values can also be recorded with the aid of LiDAR
enabled devices, which allow you to measure the distance between 2 points
without any physical tools. A LiDAR enabled device has a LiDAR Scanner. To
verify if your iOS device has a LiDAR scanner, visit the apple website and
search for the mention of a LiDAR scanner in the technical specifications. After recording the distance between two measurement
points, you can capture a screenshot of the measurements using the LiDAR camera.
This is then uploaded as media for the measurement on the task.
- Completion or inspection status of steps:
- When recording work on tasks, a maximum of 60 steps are displayed in
the mobile application and 24 steps in the web application.
- For tasks it is possible to mark a step as awaiting inspection so
that an inspector can inspect the work done for a step. For each step that
you worked on, you can set the step status as follows:
- For steps in the Pending status, you can set
the status to Partial, Awaiting Inspection or Complete
and enter a step note. You must enter a step note if you select a status
of Awaiting Inspection,
Partial and N/A (Not Applicable).
- For steps in Partial status you can select
Awaiting Inspection or Complete.
Note: You cannot change the step status of steps marked as
Inspection, Completed or Not Applicable.
- Completion status of a task or fault
If requirements were added for parts that need to be removed and
installed, tools used, and measurements to be recorded, you must record these
details and proceed to sign for them.
Depending on the Signature Service User Permissions for your user, you can
sign off with or without a digital signature. You
can use an assigned YubiKey to sign off on work completed on the aircraft with
an immutable digital signature. The digital signature is stored against the task
or fault and can be viewed at any time.
- If you are recording work using the mobile application, the task status must be
In Work.
- If you are recording tool usage for tools that originate from IFS Cloud, you must be online to do so.
- LiDAR based distance measuring is only supported on LiDAR capable iOS
- Supported units of measure for LiDAR are cm, m, in and ft.
- The ALLOW_LIDAR_MEDIA_ATTACHMENTS application parameter must be set to
TRUE to enable automatic media attachment.
- If you are using a digital signature to sign off on work completed on
tasks and faults, your user should be registered with a valid
public certificate to use IFS Signature Service in Solution
Manager/Signature Service.
- If you are not using a digital signature to sign off, Enable E-Sign must be set to No on the
Signature Service User Permissions
System Effects
- If you record work using the web application but chose not to
complete the task, recording any action, part change, tool use or
measurement on the task sets the task status to In Work.
- If you signed off on all part, tool and measurement requirements,
and chose to complete the task, the task status changes to Complete.
At this point, the information related to the component change, installation
or removal is sent to CMS for validation. During the time from task
completion until CMS validation, a yellow banner is displayed on the
task/fault card to indicate that the CMS validation is still pending. If a red banner
is displayed on the task/fault card, a configuration issue has been
identified. A detailed warning can be viewed by clicking View
Warnings on the Task/Fault Part Change
page on the IFS Cloud Mobile Maintenance mobile application. In the IFS
Cloud Mobile Maintenance web application, the detailed warning can be viewed
on the Part Removals and Part
Installations tabs of the Task Details
page, by expanding the row with the configuration warning. If a
configuration warning is displayed for a task or fault, it is also indicated
via the Configuration Warning badge on the
Work Tasks page/tab for the task. For more details see About CMS
Validations. For information on the impact on the aircraft configuration
in Maintenix, based on values set in Maintenix for warning parameters, refer
to the CMS API Guide published with Maintenix documentation.
- For a fault, the fault status is Closed if you selected
to complete the corrective task for the fault on recording work or the status is
if you wanted to continue working on the fault after recording work.
- Actions added when recording work are added to the
task, and fault if a corresponding fault exists, and can be viewed from the
Task Details and Fault Details
- Any part changes and tools used that were signed off by you reflect
that they were signed off by you and can be viewed from the
Task Details and Fault Details
- Measurements recorded and signed off can be viewed from the Task Details page.
- The step note you added when you changed the step status is displayed as
a step action. The step note is also added to as an action on the task for
the status change you performed.
- If a screenshot was captured along with a measurement value using
a LiDAR device, a media file of the LiDAR measurement screenshot is uploaded for the
measurement and can be viewed using the web application in the Media
pane at the bottom of Task Details page.
- If the sign-off was handled using a digital signature, the signed
document can be viewed on the Digital Signatures
tab in the Attachments pane at the bottom of the
Task Details page, and additionally the Fault
Details page, if corrective work was performed on a fault.
- To record work using the mobile application, for a task which has a
skill assigned to you click Record Work
on the My Work page.
To record work on a task in an aircraft turn, navigate to My
Aircraft Turns/Aircraft Turn Details/Work Tasks
or the Task Details. Alternatively, to do so
from the web application, navigate to the My Aircraft Turns/Aircraft
Turn Details/Work Tasks/Task Details.
- As work is performed, record details of actions taken and requirements
specified on a work task such as part removal, part installation, tool use
and measurements by clicking the appropriate buttons in each section.
- For a part removal or part installation, enter the quantity of parts as
specified or less than the quantity on the part requirement added to the
task or fault previously. You cannot
record more than the quantity specified on the part requirement.
- If the part added as a part requirement has alternate parts, if
required, select the alternate part on recording the part removal and
part installation.
- If you are recording the installation of a batch part, enter the
batch number in the Serial Number field.
- To record a value for a length measurement on the Mobile Maintenance
application using a LiDAR enabled device:
- On Task Details, click Add Measurement.
- Select a length measurement type.
- Tap on the Ruler icon in the Value
field. The color of the cursor and measurement line can be changed if
- Position the dot at the center of the screen until a guide appears.
- Tap the Add button where you want to begin measuring.
- Slowly pan along the guide, then tap the Add button at
the endpoint to see the measured length. You can clear a measurement using
the Clear button if required and retake the measurement.
- To take a photo of your measurement, tap the Camera
- Click the OK icon. The measurement value added using
LiDAR appears in the Value field.
- If you are using a digital signature to sign off on work recorded, click
Sign and proceed with the sign off process
by following the on-screen prompts. Click Finish on the
Task Card page once you have finished signing off.
If you are not using digital signature to sign off, simply click Finish to sign for the work recorded.
Note: After
viewing the document you are about to sign via IFS Signature Service, if
you proceed to sign but later on wish to cancel, ensure that you refresh the
page to be redirected to the Task Details page
- If you intend to complete work, you must record/sign off on work for all
the requirements specified and enter an action taken. Click Complete
Task. For partially recorded tasks/faults you can return to the
Task Details page and click Record Work
to record work until completion.
- If you are using a digital signature on task completion, click Sign, proceed with the sign off process, and click
If you are not using digital signature to sign off, simply click Finish to complete the task.