View Modification Journal


This activity is used to view journal entries for the selected modification revision. The following table displays the instances at which a journal entry will be created:

Instance at which the journal entry is created Link to related activity descriptions
When the status of the modification is changed, i.e., the modification is activated or set obsolete Activate Modification Revision, Set Modification Revision Obsolete
When an active modification is updated Modify Active Modification
When a serial range is added to, removed from or changed on the modification Add, Remove or change Serial Number Range
When a numerical serial range is generated for the modification using the Generate Numerical Serial Ranges option Define Serial Range
When a new modification reference is created Add New Modification Reference
When an existing reference is removed from the modification Remove Modification Reference
When a task card is added to or removed from the modification Add or Remove Connection to Task Card
When the Change Perform Modification option is executed on an assigned serial (i.e., the value is changed from To Be Performed to Not To Be Performed and vice versa) Decide if the Modification should be performed on the Serial
When a serial is unassigned from a mandatory modification Unassign Serial
When the modification introduces changes to a template structure Define a New Structure Position, Define the Structure Position to Remove, Define a New Prime Part 


System Effects

As a result of this activity, it will be possible to view and keep track of the changes that were performed on the modification.