Define and Maintain Rules


Use this activity to define the back office manufacturing rules determining whether the specific configuration structure or routing element should be selected for a specific set of configuration values.  Rules are also used to define whether any additional actions or data manipulation should be performed to further modify the structure or routing resulting from evaluation of a specific configuration.

Rules are divided into two types: Conditions and Actions.  Conditions are a logical expression determining if the item should be selected or not for a specific set of configuration values.  If the condition evaluates to true, then the item is selected. Actions are a type of command that allows you to manipulate the values of the selected record, calculate and declare new characteristic values, and insert additional structure or routing elements. For more information about conditions and actions, see About Back Office Configuration Rules.


IFS/Configuration Back Office and IFS/Configuration Characteristic must be installed. A configurable part must be defined in Inventory Part.  Configuration structures or routings must be defined for the part.

System Effects

A back office configuration rule is created and associated with either a structure or routing element for a configurable part with a configuration specification. This rule is considered whenever structures or routings are evaluated for a configured manufacturing order.