Product Structures Planning Structures About Recipe Structures Configuration Structures Cancel Structure/Routing Alternate Routing Configuration Structure Planning Structure Recipe Structure Product Structure View/Edit Structure By-Product or Disassembly Component Product Structure By-Product/Disassembly Component Configuration Structure By-Product/Disassembly Component Recipe Structure By-Product Manufacturing Structure Produced Parts Edit Structure Component Cost Distribution Structure Components Cost Distribution Copy Structure Alternate Recipe Structure Product Structure Configuration Structure Create Inventory Part Revision Part Revisions Part Revision Inventory Part Set Structure/Routing Alternate Buildable Configuration Structure Routing Recipe Structure Product Structure Routing Alternates Define and Maintain Rules Routing Alternate Routing Operation Work Guideline Routing Operation Tool Configuration Structure Alternate Routing Operation Structure Component Work Guideline Configuration Structure Routing Configuration Structure Component Automatic Adjustment of Cost Distribution for Structure Product Structure Product Structure Alternate Review Structure/Routing Alternate Planning Structure Routing Alternates Recipe Structure Routing Configuration Structure Product Structure Calculate Structure Component Actuals Calculate Structure Component Actuals Structure Component Actuals Copy Structure Revision Copy Configuration Structure Revision Copy Recipe Structure Revision Copy Plan Structure Revision Copy Recipe Revision Product Structure Configuration Structure Planning Structure Recipe Structure Copy Product Structure Revision Phase In Structure Component Configuration Structure Product Structure Planning Structure Product Structure Alternate Configuration Structure Alternate Change Order View/Edit Structure Component Manufacturing Structure Components Planning Structure Component Recipe Structure Component Configuration Structure Component Product Structure Component Edit Recipe Components Recipe Structure Recipe Structure Alternate Copy from Shop Order Material Product Structure Connect a Technical Drawing Revision Part Revision Part Revisions Engineering Part Navigator Engineering Part Revisions About Phase Out And Replace Structure Component Phase Out or Replace Structure Component Product Structure Product Structure Alternate Product Structure Component Recipe Structure Recipe Structure Alternate Recipe Structure Component Configuration Structure Configuration Structure Alternate Configuration Structure Component Planning Structure Planning Structure Component Phase Out or Replace Structure Component Recipe Structure Product Structure Planning Structure Phase Out or Replace Structure Component Configuration Structure Planning Structure Component Product Structure Component Recipe Structure Component Configuration Structure Component Retire Structure/Routing Alternate Routing Alternates Routing Configuration Structure Recipe Structure Product Structure