Generate an Operational Event


This activity is used to assign a serial part to operational events within an operational plan. When an operational plan is set to the Completed status, a number of operational events that have not been assigned to serials will be generated automatically. The number of operational events that are generated is dependent on whether the plan calls for daily operational events and the number of serials for each operational plan item.

Generating operational events are useful when you have daily operational plans (one operational event for each day within the time frame of the operational plan). For operational events that are non-daily operations, it is preferable to assign serials (vehicles) directly on the Assign Vehicles and Crew tab from Operational Planning page. For more information on assigning vehicles and crew, refer to the activity Assign Serials and/or Crew.

Note: You can change to a vehicle with a different product and model number than the one required for the operational plan item even if the product and model number of the operational plan item is suggested.


An operational plan must have been created and completed.

System Effects

Serials are assigned to operational events within an operational plan.