Recurring Services are used for services that are to be executed on a recurring basis. They can recur either based on a calendar recurrence pattern or a cumulative usage recurrence pattern or condition (limit/ range) or combination of recurrence patterns. The recurrence is defined by the validity period and frequency of execution in a Recurring Service Program. The frequency of execution can be described either by an interval or a cyclic pattern. The Recurring Service Program Schedule describes when the services are planned for execution. The services to be executed are defined in the Service Catalog and cannot be modified for a single instance of a Recurring Service Program. For each occurrence in the Program Schedule a Request can be generated consisting of the services defined for that occurrence.
Examples of when Recurring Services are used:
A Recurring Service Program can be used for synchronizing services for efficient execution where the services are related by
In short, the process of defining a Recurring Service Program is done by
Recurring scopes can be defined for models and service objects together with a service or just for a service.
When the calendar-based Program Schedule is generated, Program Occurrences will be created with one occurrence for each day inside the program's Valid From and Valid To dates according to the program's Interval Type and Program Interval.
For usage-based programs, the program schedule occurrences will be created based on the actual condition of the service object determined by cumulative measurements/readings. Once the usage-based trigger is added to the program and there is at least one measurement registered, a program schedule occurrence will be created with a Trigger Value and a Recorded Value. This will be further updated accordingly when the system receives the cumulative readings.
For condition-based triggers, a program schedule occurrence will be created only when the recorded reading falls inside/outside the expected range or violates specified criteria.
When more than one trigger is added to the program a 'combined' program occurrence will be created amalgamating the triggers. There will always be one open program occurrence in a combined schedule.
At the schedule generation Recurring Scopes will be related to the Program Occurrences following the recurrence pattern defined for each Recurring Scope. Requests can be generated from the Recurring Service Program when it is set to Active status. The Recurring Service Program and its Recurring Scopes can be modified to a limited extent in active status.