Add Resource Skills


Use this activity to add skills to resources of type Person, Crew and Tool/Equipment.

Skills can be defined in the Skills tab on the Resource Details, Service Resource Details, Resource Crew or in the overview page called Resource Skills.

When adding skills to a resource type it is possible to define the Skill Type and Skill Level along with a proficiency percentage that is applicable to a specific skill and resource for a valid date range. For information on setting up Skills and Skill Templates see About Skills.

A series of parameters specific to scheduling can also be applied to the resource skills. In Use/ Not In Use Cost and In Use/ Not in Use Multiplier can be defined to determine the cost and multiplying value that is applied when the skill is available and in use. Availability Patterns can also be applied to a resource skill which acts as a scheduling constraint thus determining that the resource skill is only available for scheduling during the times specified in the applied patterns.

Add multiple skills using the Add skill command

Multiple skills can be added to a resource by using the command Add Skills. It is possible to filter the list using the Skill Template drop down or select skills freely from the list.

In the Add Skills dialog it is possible to specify a validity period for the skills, which will be applied to the whole selection. The validity period is optional.

If Include Lower Levels is enabled, all records with a lower Skill Level Point than the selected skill will also be added as skills. Let's assume you have define skill Electrician with three skill levels and points (in parenthesis), Novice (1), Experienced (2) and Lead (3) and you select Electrician Lead with the Include Lower Levels enabled, the Novice and Experienced levels would automatically be added to the resource as well.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, resources are assigned skills.